

Currently geophysicists actively using the method of ERT for a wide class of geotechnical problems. The main types of distortion electrical fields on different forms of relief are known, and in all inverse programs provides for the consideration of the influence of topography. But issues remain with the accuracy of the calculation of the direct problem, which is embedded in the inverse problem, not the known values of the critical angles of the terrain that can cause the strong distortion of the field. Therefore, the question about the influence of the topography of the land results two-dimensional inversion of electrical tomography data is the actual geophysical problem.

To solve this problem, the authors performed physical modeling on large homogeneous sand embankment with artificial complex surface topography. The mound was located on a laterally homogeneous loamy earth’s surface. This experiment allowed us to identify false anomalies that were the result of a two-dimensional inversion for geoelectric sections. In addition, the simulation in the laboratory in a rectangular tank filled with cellulose-hydro gel mixture. The result has been allocated 2 types of severe anomalies of the electric field. Considered resistivity section obtained by inversion. It is shown that on steep bends of the relief 2D-inverse program is not well cope with this task. So about the anomalous zones are formed on the geoelectric section which can explain how some objects, which actually does not exist.The same findings confirmed by theoretical modeling with means of integral equations.


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