

This work is devoted to the aspects of the selection of optimal development systems for the conditions of highly heterogeneous reservoirs with hard-to-recover reserves using the example of the Achimov deposits of Western Siberia. The choice is based on the use of multivariate 3D hydrodynamic modeling on the basis of various implementations of the conceptual geological 3D model. Different well spacing, methods of well completion and operating modes are considered; the development systems that are best for different facies zones of deep-sea sediments are justified

With the use of multivariate modeling, functions linking the type of completion of the well and the need to organize a reservoir pressure maintenance system with permeability and lateral heterogeneity of the formation are obtained. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated the stability of design solutions to variable geological factors and allowed to assess the value of their influence on technological and economic performance indicators. The proposed methodical approach is relevant not only for the Achimov deposits of Western Siberia, but also for any deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, with high degree of variability or poor knowledge.


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