

Methods for obtaining seismic images of the geological environment are based on the transfer of numerical characteristics of seismic wave fields determined at a certain time interval to the points of time (x, t0) or deep (x, z) section. However, often the images of seismic boundaries in difficult built environments on time (or deep) sections of CDP-2D, obtained by traditional processing by the method of common mid point, do not objectively reflect the true position of seismic boundaries in the section. A new approach to the definition and use of local angular parameters of reflecting boundaries for the construction of more objective images of seismic boundaries according to the data of profile observations of mogt-2D is considered. It uses information about the angles of inclination of seismic boundaries, previously found on experimental data. The basis of the transfer information from a seismic trace in point of the received image of the environment is the use calculated using the angular settings of the boundaries of the coordinates of the current point of reflection. The possibilities of their subsequent use to obtain a better understanding of the studied geological environments are shown.


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