

Designing and implementing a data platform to support both traditional applications and modern analytical techniques is difficult in any industry - and building an oil company solution for subsurface information brings additional requirements and potential pit-falls. Defining your digitalization strategy may provide direction, but that alone is not enough. How do you ensure the strategy remains valid, and guarantee its adoption and overall success?

Feedback, agility and de-coupling are required in order to build-in fundamental flexibility and longer-term openness to change and innovation. To balance this against rock-solid operational concerns, this therefore must by underpinned by robust data and architectural principles and governance at both a high and low level. Without this cooperative and coordinated effort, investments in digitalization programs are unlikely to see their expected value fully realised.


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  1. EDM Council
    EDM Council [2018] https://edmcouncil.org
  2. DAMA
    DAMA [2019] https://dama.org/content/body-knowledge
  3. Fowler, David
    [2019] https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-monolith-to-mesh.html
  4. [2006] https://martinfowler.com/articles/consumerDrivenContracts.html
  5. Open Subsurface Data Universe
    Open Subsurface Data Universe [2019] https://www.opengroup.org/osdu/forum-homepage

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