

The aim of the article is to investigate the place, role, nature, purpose of geophysical monitoring in a multi-purpose and multilevel system of monitoring the condition of basic geospatial data based on the analysis of legislation of Ukraine and normative, scientific and reference literature. The information basis of the article consisted of the effective laws and regulations, results of scientific research and analytical materials, which present the problems of environmental monitoring in the context of geospatial data infrastructure development, in substantiating the aim and conclusion we used the abstract and logical methods. Geophysical monitoring is an important element of monitoring the state of geodetic networks. One of the main processes in field work for monitoring the condition of geodetic points and benchmarks for the survey of geodetic points and level benchmarks is their search in the field. The proposed search methods are based on geodetic technologies and provide only localization in the area of the probable location of the center, the benchmark, and to detect them in the soil it is necessary to perform excavations, which do not always give the desired result. The authors have performed the theoretical analysis of the possibility to use the investigations of background and anomalous geophysical fields as a basis for geophysical monitoring to observe the condition of basic geospatial data and it has demonstrated the diversity of application depending on the degree of detail as well as the insufficient efficiency of geophysical information.


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