

The work intends to establish a methodology for the characterization, evaluation of the potential and choice of sites in rock masses, for the implantation of ornamental rock explorations.

A first phase was carried out with lithological and structural assessment at a regional scale, identifying in the Geological Map of Portugal (1: 50k). The next phase consisted of thematic geological mapping, with lithological and structural assessment at the local level.

In parallel, geophysical exploration was carried out using the Electromagnetic Method in the Time Domain [TDEM], to map the variation and distribution of resistivity, underground, and its correlation with the existing and modern cartography.

This document presents the results of remote sensing, using Copernicus Sentinel-2 composite images, in which the use of automatic assisted classification allows a quick thematic mapping of the surface, created from field knowledge and bibliographic knowledge of the region, for evaluation radiometric signatures for the objects of interest in the designated area.


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