

The area of reservoirs distribution is controlled by depositional environment of radiolarites, phosphates and biogenic carbonates, as well as the degree of catagenetic transformation, which determines the formation of secondary porosity. The largest pore sizes and the best connectivity in the BHCF are found in reservoirs of the pore-microcavernous type in siliceous and carbonate-siliceous radiolarites at the early and middle stages of catagenesis. At the stages of middle and late catagenesis, pore reservoirs also begin to form in phosphate rocks. The kerogen porosity also makes a large contribution to the volume of void space in late catagenesis. The porosity of already existing siliceous reservoirs increases due to the appearance of pores in kerogen, as well reservoirs in kerogen-rich matrix rocks appear. Reservoirs of fractured and fractured-cavernous type are formed under the influence of hydrothermal fluids and are found in rocks, the transformation of which corresponds to middle mesocatagenesis and higher the stages. Thus, it was shown that the reservoirs in the sections thicken with an increase of catagenetic transformation degree due to the appearance of additional elements of the void space in rocks with different composition that compose the BHCF.


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