

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the technologies to meet the requirement of net-zero emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere by the middle of century. The European funded PilotSTRATEGY project is investigating geological CO2 storage sites to support development of CCS technologies. One of the target sites in NE of Spain (Lopín area) is located in the southern sector of the Ebro Basin. Previous geophysical information of this area includes 13 seismic profiles acquired during the 70s. The seismic sections are characterized by fair quality although uncertainty in faulting and bedrock top imaging is derived from low resolution. In this paper, we present a passive seismic methodology with the objective of providing constraints for the seismic interpretation of these seismic sections. We include H/V and autocorrelation methods as part of the methodology. Strong monochromatic noise at several frequencies is present in the seismic dataset that has been filtered with an L1 IRLS filter since it strongly affected the frequency range for the application of the autocorrelation method. H/V method provided information about the Cenozoic base and an impedance contrast within the Jurassic sequence. The autocorrelation results after filtering helped to constrain bedrock depth.


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