Volume 38 Number 8
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2478



Channel waves generated in coal‐seams and their reflections from discontinuities are widely used to indicate the tectonic and stratigraphic features of coal deposits, resulting in greater efficiency and safety in coal‐mining. In the mining area of Ibbenbüren (F.R.G.) seam structures sometimes contain so‐called mylonite zones, which are crushed coal deposits capable of binding gas. If mining hits a mylonite zone this would probably not only reduce output of the mine, but could even cause gas explosions. To investigate the influence of a mylonite zone on the propagation of channel waves, Rayleigh channel wave measurements for 2D analogue models were performed and synthetic seismograms of Love channel waves were calculated.

Analogue modelling of the mylonite zone using Rayleigh seam waves within the seam was carried out using a perforation technique. Calculations were made to obtain an estimate of velocity reduction due to perforation. The results agree well with velocity values measured up to a perforation of 25% in a 2D epoxy resin model. Reflected channel wave energy was found by applying dispersion analysis in the case where the impedance reduction between the mylonite seam structure and the undisturbed seam was approximately 5%. The horizontal width of the mylonite structure was detectable from the time lag between reflected channel wave signals from both in‐seam borders of the mylonite zone. Resolution of two discrete borders was possible for a width of 1.5 λ's. The influence of a vertical fault, positioned within the mylonite zone, could only poorly be resolved.

Numerical model investigations of Love seam waves were concerned mainly with the variation of the horizontal width of the mylonite zone. Mylonite zones with dimensions of the order of 0.4 λ's allow definite statements about their widths from dispersion and spectral analyses. For zones with smaller widths down to 0.2 λ's, it was found that reflectivity and transmissivity analyses give a qualitative criterion for distinguishing a mylonite structure surrounding a fault from a pure fault.


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  • Article Type: Research Article

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