
The mid oceanic rifts function by long period pulsation excited from the thermodynamic processes in the mantle. The pulsations generate bilateral stresses from the rifts towards the continents. Under such effect of the rifts, differentiation of transitional lithosphere and coupled processes of transformation of the continents into oceans takes place. With the area of equal stresses of adjacent rifts, the rift-system of a certain rift is limited. One rift system is composed of: 2 semi-oceans, 2 belts of transitional lithosphere and 2 semi-continents. The rift-systems evolve in a “system of interaction of stresses from the rifts in the whole lithosphere”, within which "each domain of the lithosphere is a structural part of some rift-system and only one rift-system”. The reflection of the rift-systems in the relief of the Earth's shells enables explorations of the rift- structure of the lithosphere to be carried out as explorations of the base relief of the Earth's shells. The Moho-sphere is the shallowest sphere with a relief that enables consistent identification of the rift-systems. The riftgene processes in the Balkan area tend to connect the Mediterranean basin with the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea basins.


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