
L-03 NUGGETS AREA DEEP MARINE TURBIDITIC FAN COMPLEX NORTHERN NORTH SEA Abstract 1 R.N KIMBER 1 R. COOPER 1 M.C.R. THOMAS 2 L.J BURNS 1 S.D HARKER 1 and P. CORNICK 3 1 TotalFinaElf Exploration UK PLC 1 Claymore Drive Bridge of Don Aberdeen AB23 8GB UK 2 Adma-Opco 3 PCA Stratigraphic Consultants Ltd The Nuggets area is located between the Alwyn and Frigg Fields in UKCS Quadrant 3 North Sea and comprises four separate dry gas accumulations (Figure 1). The four Nuggets gas structures were discovered between 1972 and 1991 and are called N1 N2 N3 and N4 (operated


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