
This paper describes the Saudi Aramco Professional Onboarding Program (POP), a two-week multidisciplinary project-based<br>program designed to accelerate the development of young engineers and their integration as contributors into the workforce.<br>The POP initiates E&P new hires into the Saudi Aramco culture, serving as an initial bridge between academia and working<br>in the company. The program is an introduction to the technical E&P environment and to the business and interpersonal skills<br>required to be an effective and efficient professional. The project-based program provides participants the learning<br>opportunity to develop lifelong, transferrable skills and values. The program also helps set the framework and context for<br>future career development activities. The results of the pilot of the program will be presented, along with future plans for<br>enhancing the program in anticipation of an E&P-wide rollout.


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