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Developments In A Model To Describe Low-Frequency Electrical Polarization Of Rocks - (Ii): A Comparative Overview
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Aug 1999, cp-215-00091
The main existing models proposed to describe IP are analyzed and their equivalent circuit analogs drawn. Most are grouped<br>together as belonging to a same family under a common circuit analog representation and a respective "generating function". A<br>circuit analog assigned to the "multi Cole-Cole" model reveales intrinsic constraints involving the values of its circuit elements.<br>Such constraint relations plus the associated relaxation times ratio-usually many orders of magnitude different from unity-imply<br>that this model must be limited to describe multi -phase material systems (in the sense of the polarization setting), in order to<br>make any physical sense.