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6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society
- Conference date: 15 Aug 1999 - 19 Aug 1999
- Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Published: 15 August 1999
1 - 20 of 399 results
Survey Design For Vertical-Cable Seismic Acquisition
Authors Carlos Rodriguez-Suarez and Robert R. StewartThe vertical cable recording geometry has shown considerable promise as a seismic acquisition technique. It is
especially suitable for marine areas where any of the following are present: 1) obstacles (e.g. platforms or buoys) for a
vessel towing streamers, 2) deep to very deep water, 3) a complex subsurface geology, 4) pipelines on the sea bottom,
and 5) a hard (e.g., carbonate or basalt) sea floor. The last two situations may prohibit the use of ocean bottom cables
(OBC). On land, it can be seen as a 3D-VSP with one or more wells (cables).
If we are to acquire vertical cable data, we need to be able to design the surveys to best image the target geology in the
most economic way. Thus, we are interested in questions of source and receiver distribution and the resultant target
Analysis of fold for regular grids of bins in vertical-cable acquisition was done for a straightforward, still realistic, 2.5-D
synthetic case. It describes a passive continental margin environment in a Mesozoic basin. Acquisition geometries with a
different numbers of vertical cables, hydrophones per cable, numbers of shot points and water depths were analyzed.
Three-dimensional ray tracing was used to obtain the reflection point from a target layer. Converted (P- to S-) waves, and
a land case were also analyzed.
The results show that good coverage can be obtained using only a single cable, a reasonable number of hydrophones
per cable and a fair shot point spacing. Deeper water acquisition shows better fold homogeneity than shallow water when
several cables are used on an optimized configuration.
Viabilidade Da Sísmica 4D Em Um Campo Terrestre Brasileiro: Enfoque De Rochas
We made a feasibility study for the application of the time lapse seismic technique on a shallow onshore Brazilian field, at
the Potiguar Basin, Rio Grande do Norte. This anonymous but real fluvial reservoir are now being subjected to vapor
injection, which is a good production technique for seismic monitoring. Seismic velocities measurements on core
samples and reservoir fluids, as well as fluid substitution on the available well log data, were used at the preliminary
stage of the feasibility study in order to quantify the velocities and impedance changes that the reservoir would
experience as a function of temperature, fluid saturation and pore pressure. Biot-Gassmann equations were combined
with the reservoir thermal simulation in order to construct a velocity and impedance model for the seismic modeling. It
was found that acoustic impedance changes as large as 40% would occur and that it should be resolved by the high
resolution 3D seismic. The initial and final seismic models and it’s updated versions shall help the reservoir geophysicists
on the interpretation of the real time lapse seismic data, which may provide insights on the fluid flow behavior and
reservoir heterogeneities.
High Precision/Fast Adaptive Step Size Ray-Tracing By Curvature Criteria
More LessHere I present one version of Hamilton based ray-tracing equations solution (Cerveny, 1987) (Popov,
1996) aiming at increasing precision as well as reducing and controling the computation’s effort. The
errors in numerical evaluating the differential ray-tracing equation can be classified in two kinds. First
the error in interpolating the velocity field and its derivatives. Second the error in evaluating the next
ray’s coordinates and slowness vector by the Runge-Kutta method. The first one has well-known solutions
like fourth order precision Bi-cubic spline interpolation (William et al., 1994). The second, the
fourth order precision Runge-Kutta method, needs the time step. If we apply a constant time step, it
requires the use of a high-density coordinate’s sampling when used for a non-homogeneous medium.
The reason is that the precision of ray-tracing is directly related to the curvature radio of the ray and the
last with the gradient of the square slowness. Then to obtain a high precision ray-tracing we need to decrease
the size of the time step in regions where there are large variations of the square slowness field
or on the other hand increase where there are no such variations. The result is an adaptive algorithm,
which automatically adapts the size of the ray coordinates interval to the necessity of the medium by
geophysical control. Despite the existence of the “adaptive control for Runge-Kutta method” (William
et al., 1994) it’s based in numerical considerations. Here I developed an alternative based on solid
physical arguments most properly useful for wave propagation purposes which can easily control the
accuracy of ray’s coordinates and in consequence the ray’s amplitudes (Lambaré, G. and Lucio, P.S.
and Hanyga A., 1996) and time of processing by just changing a parameter.
Um Algoritmo Prático De Modelagem 3-D Baseado Na Solução Da Equação Acústica Completa Da Onda
More LessEste trabalho apresenta a versão 3-D de um algoritmo para solução da equação acústica completa da onda,
baseado no método das diferenças finitas. Este algoritmo foi idealizado para requerer um mínimo de operações
extra para levar em conta as variações de densidade no meio. Também são exploradas técnicas de programação
capazes de reduzir sencivelmente os custos computacionais de tal aplicação. Com isto, a modelagempor solução
da equação da onda, que é uma poderosa ferramenta, pode se tornar mais prática para as aplições da indústria
do petróleo.
Contribuição Da Gravimetria Na Prospecção De Água Subterrânea No Litoral Norte Do Ceará, Brasil
More LessA gravity investigation is conducted in a coastal area in the northeastern Ceará State (Brazil). The objective of the survey is the detection of the regional geological structures which control the accumulation of underground water. This investigation consists of 1668 gravity stations, including previous surveys both in land and marine areas. The Bouguer gravity map is dominated by regional effect caused by the mantle uplift in the continental passive margin. To display more clearly the gravity anomalies caused by upper crustal heterogeneities, the local regional gravity field is removed by using a polynomial surface fitting. The resulting residual gravity anomaly map permits us to associate the gravity anomalies with known precambrian geologic units, granitic batholiths and surface structural features. The gravity lineaments are concordant with the NE-SW structural trends. In the northwestern of the studied area an elongated relative gravity low, visible in the residual map, indicates a NWSE secundary deformation trend, underlying of the sedimentary cover. These results will be prioritized and will be used to guide a more detailed geophysical survey.
Primeiros Resultados Do Sonar De Varredura Lateral Em Águas Profundas Rebocado Próximo Ao Fundo Marinho
More LessHigh resolution geophysical data has provided important results for petroleum industries facilities. Petrobras has been
acquiring deep towed sonar data since 1997 in all brazilian basins to obtain further detailed information of the sea floor to
support pipeline instalation. The seafloor imaging system (SIS-3000) described here uses the CHIRP technology to
provided high resolution sonar images and CHIRP subbottom data profiles. The SIS 3000 system is composed by two
subsystems as follow: tow vehicle and shipboard eletronics. This paper will present an overview of the deep towed
CHIRP sonar and some initial results in the Campos Basin.
A Rede De Detectores De Radiação Ultravioleta Solar Do Inpe
Nas duas últimas décadas verificou-se uma significativa redução do ozônio atmosférico global, criando uma
preocupação sobre o possível aumento da radiação UV-B na superfície terrestre. Entretanto, poucas medidas
de UV na superfície estavam disponíveis até meados de 1980, e a maioria destas concentrava-se no hemisfério
norte. Descreve-se neste trabalho a rede de detectores de UV do INPE e alguns resultados. O INPE vem
operando desde o início da década de noventa, vários detectores UV dos tipos radiômetros UV-Biometer, GUV e
Espectrofotômetros Brewer no Brasil, Bolívia, Chile e Antártica, constituindo uma base de dados com uma
significativa distribuição geográfica, de latitudes equatoriais, médias e polares. Esta distribuição espacial é
importante para o estudo do comportamento da radiação ultravioleta solar face ao quadro de mudanças
atmosféricas associado aos fenômenos da redução global do ozônio.
Medidas Da Radiação Uv-B Difusa Em Banda Larga E Estreita
Authors Abel A. Silva, Ezequiel Echer and Volker W.J.H. KirchhoffMesmo em dias de céu encoberto pode-se notar o bronzeamento da pele humana nas pessoas em atividade ao ar livre.
Esse fenômeno é devido a ação da componente difusa da radiação solar global UV-B. Estudos anteriores mostram que
essa radiação é importante para ângulos solares zenitais elevados, mais comuns nas latitudes altas. Neste trabalho é
feito um estudo da relação entre a radiação solar global UV e a sua componente difusa. As atividades foram conduzidas
em Cachoeira Paulista (23.1o S, 45.0o W) com radiômetros de banda larga e estreita em dias de céu limpo, tendo sido
verificado que a radiação difusa representa pelo menos 40% da global na faixa do UVB.
Topographic Effect Of Transient Electromagnetic Responses
Authors Wenbao Hu, Liangjun Yan and Xingong TangA three dimensional body is designed to simulate the valley shaped topography. Transient responses are
calculated for topography at source location and at receiver location respectively. Modeling results are shown
by relative anomalies in contours. The behavior of the topographic effect to transient eletromagnetic field
responses can be characterized by local anomaly for topography at receiver location, and by equivalently an
extra source with strong high frequency excitation for topography at source location. Learning from the
modeling results, it is emphasized that the ground wire source shall be set up at place as uniform as possible
for reliable deep sounding measurements.
Large Scale Multi-2D Prestack Depht Migration:A Gulf Of Mexico Deep Water Case Study
More LessThe attraction of the deep water Gulf has increased over recent years due to the advancement of several core
technologies. Foremost within these new applications is the use of pre-stack depth migration for illuminating
the sub-salt structure, at water depths in excess of 3300 meters. Large scale 2D depth migration projects (e.g. >
3000 miles) provide a cost effect way of ascertaining the regional sub-salt geology and highlighting areas for
prospect evaluation. The results from three large multi-2D, prestack depth migration projects are presented.
The unique problems associated with depth migrating in the deep water province are highlighted in terms of
acquisition, time processing and specifically the application of depth imaging technology for imaging of the
sub-salt. It is shown that a combination of long streamer acquisition with prestack depth imaging can provide
an adequate image of the sub-salt, suitable for prospect evaluation in a short period of time.
2D Seismic Data Images A Fold And Thrust Belt In Noerthwestern Venezuela
Authors R.C. Ahlborn and J.W. PowellOlder 2D seismic data in the Falc6n basin, Zulia and Falcon states, northwestern Venezuela, indicates the
probable existence of a fold and thrust belt in northwestern Venezuela. This belt is likely the result of the collision of
the Caribbean Plate with the South American Plate during the Paleogene. A second pulse during the Lower Miocene
is also recorded on 2D seismic profiles near the coast of Falcbn. Southwest vergent thrusts are evidenced in the
Cocuiza basin, on the Dabajuro high and the Coro platform. Younger south vergent thrusts with large fault
propagated folds are seen within the Urumaco trough. Although some of the low-angle thrusting is due to wrench
movements along the Oca fault system, much of the thrusting can be attributed to compression rather than
transpression during plate collision.
About Of The Digital Geomagnetic Records Processing With Noice
Authors Julio C. Gianibelli and Iris R. CabassiDigital records of the Total Intensity of the Earth Magnetic Field, realized by means of protonic precession
sensors per one minute, shows erratic pulses. The criterions of analysis and filtering of these pulses for
magnetically quiet days are studied. The more adequates methods had been the one of comparisson of
succesive samples, and the filtered method by means of a windows of the median determination.
In this paper, the results for records with ramdom spikes of the Trelew Magnetic Observatory (ϕ = 43°2683 S;
λ = 294°6183) are analyzed.
Different Styles Of Canyon Infill Related To Gravity And Bottom Current Processes : Examples From The Upper Slope Of The Se Brazilian Margin
Authors A.R. Viana, W. Almeida Jr. and L.C. MachadoA series of modern submarine canyons were examined in the south-eastern Brazilian margin in order to identify
the different styles of canyon filling and their relationship with sedimentary processes and sea-level changes.
Such study should be considered as a predictive tool in order to estimate the presence of reservoir-like
deposits. Four seismic facies related to intra-canyon depositional patterns were individualised in this study:
clinoform prograding lateral accretion (Cp), cahotic fill (Ch), parallel-to-divergent aggradation (Pd) and
horizontal strata (Pl). Relationship between these styles and sea-level changes was attempted and results
indicate a complex interaction between hydrodynamic conditions, position of sediment source and sediment
availability. Coriolis Effect seems to play a minor role in controlling the downcanyon flow/erosion processes.
Lateral accretion is mainly related to the southward flowing Brazil Current. Aggradation and horizontal strata are
related to a relative decrease in the Brazil Current action and to an increase in gravity flows activity.
Un Geoide De Precisión Para Uruguay Informe Del Proyecto Urugeoide 2000
More LessSe presenta el proyecto UruGeoide 2000, cuyo objetivo es la determinación de un modelo geoidal con precisión
centimétrica para Uruguay. La metodología propuesta, está basada en la combinación de un modelo geopotencial,
anomalias gravimétricas y un modelo numérico de terreno, a través de la técnica "remove-restore", usando
Transformada Rápida de Fourier. Los datos disponibles, así como las investigaciones realizadas en modelos
geopotenciales de alto grado y ultra alto grado, son presentados en este informe.
Influência Transiente Da Temperatura Poço-Formação Em Perfis De Resistividade(Com Invasão)
More LessThe principal aim here is show a transient thermal-resistivity log dependence. The induction devices (ILM and
6ff40), common used in log interpretation, may have some errors and new corrections will be needed. This
features are presented when multilayer transient temperature is evaluated and applied to resistivity model. A
simple eight meters deep formation is simulated with 2d-thermal and resistivity model, composed by shale and
sandstone reservoir, where multiphase radial fluid flow was performed. Due mud circulation, temperature
dependence of apparent resistivity formation are evaluated and compared with the resistivity when wellformation
temperatures are the same (150oC). Errors into 1% to 12% are expected to medium and deep induction
log information with this model.
Using Seismic Data To Verify 3D Geometry - Some New Approaches To Field Qc
More LessIn today’s 3D surveys, the volume of data can be overwhelming. It is essential to have methods that quickly identify
errors and/or bad data. Modern field QC uses seismic trace attributes (energy levels within specified windows, energy
decay factors, first arrival times) in combination with survey information (shot and receiver positions) to create new
quality control measurements and displays, Such QC displays can quickly pinpoint location and other errors at both
shot and receiver positions. Examples of verifying 3D geometry, energy decay maps, and finding posrtron errors will
illustrate the latest QC methods.
Equatorial Spread-F And Plasma Bubbles: A Step Towards Prediction
Authors Inez S. Batista, M.A. Abdu, R.T. de Medeiros and J.H.A. SobralEquatorial spread F (ESF) and plasma bubbles are plasma irregularity phenomena that are known to occur in the
equatorial- and low-latitude ionospheric F region at evening and nighttime. Those irregularities cause
scintillation that disrupts trans ionospheric radio propagation, up to the GHz frequency range interfering on
communication systems including the Global Positioning System - GPS. Although the general characteristics of
spread F and bubbles, concerning their variation with season, solar cycle, and magnetic activity, are fairly well
understood, we do not know much about the cause of the day-to-day variability, a crucial point when prediction
is concerned. In this paper, we analyze ionospheric data from two low latitude stations in Brazil, in either
presence or absence of bubbles, in order to try to establish the conditions under which bubbles shall occur. We
conclude that the F layer critical frequency (foF2) in the afternoon-sunset hours (or equivalently the F layer
maximum density, NmF2) is a useful parameter to predict the occurrence of the bubble.
The Role Of The Stike-Slip Tectonics In The Evolution Of The Alboran Sea, Western Mediterranean
Authors José Rodriguez-Fernandez and Menchu ComasThe Alboran Basin is a Neogene extensional basin which originated and evolved since the early Miocene within a plate
tectonic setting of convergence between Iberia and Africa. The basin has been identified as formed by crustal stretching
and extensional tectonic from the early to the late Miocene. However, the current organization of the Alboran Sea basin
has resulted mainly from post-Miocene contractional tectonics superimposed on earlier extensional structures. The
present structural framework indicates that two sets of conjugate strike-slip systems (left-lateral faults with a NE-SW
trending, and right-lateral faults with a NW-SE trending; being 120• -130• the angle between the two strands) accounted
for a significant post-Messinian deformation of the Alboran Sea basin. The stress field evidenced by the wrench-tectonic
structures is consistent with the latest Neogene to Present Africa-Eurasie roughly N-S convergence plate kinematics in
the westernmost Mediterranean.
Efeito Da Profundidade Dos Eletrodos Em Levantamentos De Eletrorresistividade
Authors H.K. Sato and F.A.F. OliveiraThe influence of electrode depths in electroresistivity
survey is studied. Generally, the investigators don’t care
about this detail but it can introduce significant departures
on the apparent resistivity values obtained with
small electrode spacings. To check the influences, theoretical
analysis is performed using simulated vertical
electrical sounding with undergrounded Wenner array.
Field data using Schlumberger array are collected to
demonstrate the existence of such effects. Computed
apparent resistivity values obtained with the same field
array parameters, separations and depths, are successfully
fitted to the field data, and a horizontally layered
model is obtained. The studies with two layer models,
shown that the effects of undergrounded electrodes are
more expressivewhen the second layer is more conductive
than the first one. Ambiguities arise in the reversed situations.
Electromagnetic Waves Generation By The Hybrid Modulational Instability
More LessAn improved model of the fundamental plasma emission of type III solar radio bursts is presented. It is shown
that nonlinear conversion of a traveling Langmuir pump wave into an electromagnetic wave can occur via either
convective or absolute hybrid modulational instabilities, resulting from the coupling of two wave triplets, with
the Langmuir pump wave and ion-acoustic daughter wave common to both wave triplets. The properties of
these four-wave hybrid modulational instabilities are studied using the observed interplanetary parameters.