
The Margarita field in Bolivia was discovered in 1998 through the drilling and testing of the well MGR-x1. The discovered reservoir is the Huamampampa deep Devonian naturally fractured formation, containing gas and condensate. Two other wells MGR-x2 and MGR-x3 were drilled showing better fracture characteristics than the well MGR-x1. With the objective to improve the productivity of the well MGR-x1 a programme to perform a sidetrack and drill a horizontal section was proposed. Both, image logs interpretation and outcrops analogue study, provided the basic tools to establish the methodology applied to generate a discrete fracture network distribution to the vicinity area of the proposed horizontal section. Subsequent application of the fluid flow equations through fractures established a methodology to first calibrate the fractures productivity with the production test of the well and then to predict the productivity of the discrete fractures expected to be intercepted by the horizontal section of the well. The benefit of generating these predictions, specially during the early development stages of a field, is aimed to help in the selection of the recommended direction for the horizontal well in order to look for the largest possible number of intersections with natural fractures of best expected properties. Currently the side track operations to the well MGR-x1 is in progress.


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