
For developing new geophysical instruments and techniques, we have erected at Kiel University an improved new full scale GeoModel. It avoids some limitations of the pilot prototype model, e.g., installing vacuum suction aperture for overcoming hydraulic barrier, vertical conductive boundaries instead of oblique isolating boundaries, automatic instead of manual survey and monitoring with better resolution. The GeoModel aims at improving accuracy of classical hydrogeophysical techniques (e.g., georadar, geoelectric, time domain reflectometry TDR, tensiometer, tracers) and developing new integrative approaches (e.g., TDR continuous profiling using the geoelectric electrodes as transmitters and receivers) for monitoring soil physical properties, soil water content and soil water flows. In this GeoModel, experiments with various boundary conditions (e.g., simulated soil models, infiltration scenarios, saturations) data acquisitions in 2D, 3D and tomography for high resolution studies will be accomplished and soft and hardware will be developed.


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