
The "Bobov Dol" coal mines are situated in the Bobov Dol graben (SW Bulgaria). The coal is produced using 5 underground and lopen-pit mine. The graben is a part of the Kyustendil- Saparevo kettle group. The Bobov Dol graben was formed in its contemporary outlook during the Quaternary between the Konyavo mountain, the Gologlav heights and the Pogled mountain. It was separated from the Saparevo kettle by the Razmetanitsa horst. The average altitude is 830 m. The graben is drained by the Bobov Dol, Babinska, Razmetanitsa and other smaller rivers that mouth in the Dzherman river. All the settlements situated in the area (Bobov Dol, Babino, Golyama Fucha, Mlamolovo, etc.) represent an indivisible part of the Bobov Dol coal basin in an economic-geographical aspect.


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