

We abandon the standard methods. We sacrifice their mobility in favor of a complex but effective experimentation. We ensure their long-term migration over the studied medium due to the well-known polar ice drift. You can here refer to the experience of Soviet and Russian stations “North Pole”. Actually, we would continue the tradition of NP stations, adding to the traditional study of the polar region of the Earth a powerful geophysical component. By the way, the organization of the next NP stations is transferred to a new level. According to the state program, they will be based on the use of the so-called ice-resistant self-propelled platform (ISP). This increases the realism and safety of the NP stations and our proposal. Next, we discuss and analyze a certain set of methods.Each chosen method is specially designed, modified and is analyzed for effective soundings from drifting ice on the surface, possibly deep sea. This complex, of course, is open and can be replenished at the expense of others geophysical methods. In this paper, we reflect the next stage of the development of this project.


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