

As a result of detailed stratigraphic and lithofacies analysis of two standard sections of the Cambrian of the Igaro-Norilsk structure-facies zone, it was established that in the study area the Upper Cambrian deposits accumulated in 4 facial zones: 1) deeply submerged shelf and basin margin; 2) slope of the carbonate platform; 3) front of the carbonate platform; 4) shelf lagoon, intertidal and supratidal zones. The greatest development of reservoirs is predicted in the Kulyumbe, Uyigur and Tukalanda formations, which are represented by carbonate platform edge facies, polycyclic shallow lagoon and tidal flat sediments. The oil and gas potential prospects scheme have been composed on the basis of paleogeographic reconstructions taking into account structural and geochemical criteria.


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  • Published online: 04 Aug 2020
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