

Today there is an urgent need to replenish the resource base by increasing hydrocarbon reserves. In recent years, more and more actively in all oil and gas producing countries of the world, the technology of oil and gas bearing systems modeling is used to solve problems associated with the forecast of oil and gas potential and the choice of priority areas of exploration for oil and gas. The technology allows you to create a regional geological model of any territory in size based on the complex of geological, geophysical and geochemical materials available at this stage, to evaluate oil and gas potential, bringing together the results of structural and litofacial analysis, petrophysical and geochemical studies, reproducing the fluid-dynamic development of the studied region at all stages of geological stories. The paper presents the main results of basin modeling and provides brief conclusions. Also, some information is presented in the work on the new technology of seismic prospecting of MOV OGT 3D using scattered waves, which makes it possible to forecast the development zones of decomposed reservoir rocks in dense rocks.


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  • Published online: 01 Jan 2020
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