

K-Mg salts are an effective fertilizer. Their production in the Kaliningrad region is currently cost-effective from a depth of more than 1000 meters. The high cost of prospecting and exploration drilling makes it necessary to use geophysical methods. The effectiveness of gravity survey is determined by the large difference in the density of salts in relation to the host medium rocks. In addition to this, gravity survey is highly productive, all-weather and does not any impact for the environment and farmland. The paper presents the results of ground gravity survey application for the K-Mg salts exploration in the Kaliningrad region. According to the gravity survey, the researchers determined a criterion for increasing the thickness of layers rich in K-Mg salts. The license area was divided into blocks with different perspectives. The borehole, predicted by gravity exploration, crossed a thick layer that is rich in K-Mg salts.


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