

The possibilities of practical application of the approximation of discretely specified values of geopotential fields by source-like functions that, from a physical point of view, correspond to the anomalous effects of equivalent sources are considered. For this purpose, iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations are used, which make it possible to determine the masses (or magnetic moments) of the elements of the approximation structure. The source-like approximation is used in the complex analysis of gravitational and magnetic fields and their tomographic interpretation; to assess the influence of the sphericity of the Earth on the results of the interpretation of gravity anomalies and the allocation of the positive and negative components of the gravitational field; for constructing an analytical model of corrections for the influence of the terrain in gravity exploration and for the joint transformation of data of aeromagnetic surveys of different scales. The presented approach is effective in solving a wide range of geological problems, especially in the conditions of a mountainous terrain, typical for most ore regions.


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