

Electric Resistivity Tomography has been developing in Russia in just fifteen years almost exclusively under the influence of the personal initiative of a large group of geophysicists and designers. But we have already made significant progress. An instrument base has been created, which consists of a large set of specialized tools, focused on the various needs of geophysicists-production workers, scientists and teachers. The software is very high world-level developed for the processing and interpretation of ERT data. New technological directions in ERT have been developed that are focused on solving geological problems for a wide variety of geographical and climatic conditions that are typical for our country. Fundamentally new geophysical data have been obtained that make it possible to solve very complex geological problems in the search for ore objects, research of archaeology objects, study of karst, landslides, zones of tectonic disturbances, permafrost, the structures of modern and ancient river valleys, complex hydrogeological and environmental problems. Electric Resistivity Tomography, as it develops, becomes the most important tool in the hands of geologists.


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