

The practice of large diamond mining enterprises shows that the presence of cracks filled with ice in the overburden rock mass complicates the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations. Currently, various geophysical methods are used to detect cracks, so for studying at shallow depths (up to 30 m), it is possible to use the GPR method. Physical modeling of GPR sounding of a rock mass with a crack filled with ice was performed to develop criteria for identifying cracks in permafrost rocks using the method of GPR.As a result, radargrams were obtained, on which contrasting electrophysical boundaries, reflecting the structure of the model, were clearly traced. A frequency analysis of GPR signals was performed, on the basis of which spectral signs of detecting a crack filled with ice in a rock mass were established, changes in the axes of synphase of GPR signals reflected from the lower and upper boundaries of the ice were detected, the shape of the Fourier spectrum of the GPR tracing received in ice was determined and in sand. On the basis of the established criteria, an approbation of crack detection at the “Mayat” diamond placer deposit is presented.


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