

The structure and filtration properties of a fractured water – bearing complex up to a depth of 600–1000 m were analyzed on the territory of the mountain-folded Urals, Kuzbass and Eastern Donbass. Vertical anisotropy of filtration properties of terrigenous deposits is revealed. It is established that the distribution of permeable zones in the section has a regular character, which does not have a close connection with the lithological composition of rocks. General regularities in the formation of the filtration structure of rock massifs of coal-bearing basins and vertical crack zoning of rock massifs of the Ural region are noted. The natural change in the number of permeable cracks in the section is explained and justified on the basis of representations describing the change in the stress state of rock massifs with depth. Open permeable cracks in Paleozoic rocks are considered in hydrogeomechanics as a result of deformation of rock massifs under the influence of modern tectonic forces. The near-surface zone of permeable cracks, with a capacity of 600 – 1000 meters or more, is considered as a zone of brittle deformation of the earth's crust.


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