

This article shows opportunities of geophysical and atmogeochemical methods for solution of tasks of geoecological monitoring in coal deposits. The study object is the analysis of geoecological state of the territory of mining plots of closed mines of the Eastern Donbass on the basis of the materials of field geophysical and atmogeochemical observations. The methodology of the study includes measurements of parameters of the studied fields on the plots selected for this study with the complex of methods such as EP (method of permanent natural electricity), EPTS (technology of electro-potential tomographic sounding), MSEF (technology of spatial electric filtration), and also atmogeochemical (gas) and gravimetric surveys. This paper provides examples of 1) detection of highly-altered coal deposits, tectonically- and technogenically-disturbed zones on the plot of projected tower-line wind power devices; 2) finding big EP anomaly on the mining plot of the mine closed by wet-conservation approach. It is given the version of the anomaly formation due to massive filtration process in the conditions of sharp change of groundwater movement within the mined anthracite bed in the zone of its conjunction with a fault.


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