

Justification of oil-bearing potential due to the intervals of layered reservoirs is a non-standard task. Traditionally, when calculating reserves in the volume of oil-saturated reservoirs, only homogeneous reservoirs are mainly taken into account. However, there are intervals in the section, composed by frequently interbedded thin layers of sand-siltstone material with clays, which, under the standard interpretation, are classified as impermeable rocks. Despite this, there are successful practice examples of layered reservoir intervals development in wells that are not included into account in the reserves estimation. Accordingly, the completed updating of the geological model is an important stage for improving the efficiency of development, operation planning to introduce additional volumes of reservoirs to exploitation, forming a program for further study for increasing hydrocarbon resource potential. A concept method for detecting layered reservoirs in well sections was proposed by combining the results of core research, well testing and exploitation, and a well logging complex. Based on the concept, calculation methods are shown for identifying intervals of layered batch in well sections, calculating reservoir parameters - layered clay content, effective thicknesses, porosity, and oil saturation. Accordingly, the developed method allows you to perform calculations for all wells to create a database of geological and geophysical parameters for modeling. Based on the updated model, an increase in the oil-bearing potential of the BS11-12 reservoirs of the Tevlinsko-Russkinskoe field was detected, which implies to exploitation of additional reservoirs volumes.


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