

One of the most informative well logging methods, the use of which allows increasing the reliability of high viscosity oil fields rocks properties evaluation, is the NMR Logging. It is necessary to conduct rock core petrophysical investigations using NMR-method that allows determining total porosity in saturating samples by different fluids. It is necessary to introduce an amendment on the Hydrogen Index of fluids present in the samples for the correct assessment of total porosity value by the NMR-method. The oil present in the Ufimskiy layer possesses high viscosity; therefore, its recovery from the core is a challenging task. Three different oil recovery methods and NMR-characteristics of obtained oil samples are presented in the paper. It is possible to evaluate the portion of residual water saturation and, therefore, the effective pore space during the interpretation of NMR logging using the technology of cut-offs. It is demonstrated in the paper that the application of a standard cut-off of 33 ms and standard way of obtaining the cut-off that separates the residual water for rocks containing high-viscosity oil results in excessive values of residual water.


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