

At the current geological time, the strata of sedimentary rocks where the abnormal pressure zones occur are in the stage of active geodynamic development. The sedimentation dynamics and the tectonic activity results affect the nature of the process development. To get an idea of the actual pressure distribution can be obtained by direct measurements in the permeable formations (formation pressure). However, pressure in the low permeability intervals (pore pressure) cannot be measured directly, but only calculated together with the direct indicators. Forecast of the rocks stress properties according to seismic survey data has its own peculiarities and is based on comparison of the measured interval velocities normalized to clay cross-section conditions with interval velocities of longitudinal waves in the clays normally compacted with depth. In addition, there are a number of new scientific methods for data processing with the aim of AHRP predicting based on the delicate effects, such as dissipation, amplitude, etc. In order to test the prediction to ensure the safe drilling we performed the research works to study the possibility of detecting and evaluating the AHRP areas based on the integration of ground seismic data of FWI processing and the acoustic logging logs, as well as on the attenuation coefficient estimation technology. The report demonstrates some of the AHRP prediction testing results based on the integral analysis of geological, geophysical and field data.


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