

In October 2020, PJSC Tatneft carried out pilot work on drilling radial channels with subsequent acidizing at the Novo-Elkhovskoye field. This technology was tested in the Tournaisian carbonate reservoir. As a result, it was possible to more than double the productivity index of the wells and to increase the oil production rate at one of the two wells. At the same time, unforeseen factors were identified in the course of work for the second well, which made it possible to gain additional experience and revise the criteria for selecting a potential well stock. This article describes the work that was first carried out in the above productive formations. Based on the results of the work carried out, the set geological and technical tasks were completed, further pilot work is planned in order to determine effective methods and technology application boundaries. Terrigenous reservoirs are considered, as well as reservoirs with a thickness of 2.5 meters and higher. It is also planned to perform hydrodynamic simulation to determine the optimal length of channels in specific geological conditions, to assess technical and economic performance.


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