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Horizontal Wells 2021
- Conference date: May 24-28, 2021
- Location: Online
- Published: 24 May 2021
1 - 20 of 68 results
3D modeling of multilateral well (fishbone) junction stability in development conditions of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District oil field
Authors A.V. Seryakov and M.Yu. PodberezhnySummaryThe results of 3D poroelastic finite element modeling of the fishbone well junction located in the north of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District oilfield are presented. The reservoir being studied is characterized by a thin productive pay bounded by a larger gas cap and a water-bearing layer. The oil-bearing rocks are brittle sandstones saturated with viscous oil. The 3D poroelastic modeling of the fishbone located at 1 km depth was carried out for the situations when main wellbore is oriented along maximum and along minimum horizontal stress. The safe wellbore pressure ranges were determined both for drilling and for production regimes of the junction passed through the sandstone with normal and reduced strength.
Peculiarities of ground microseismic monitoring of HF with partial deepening of sensors under the low velocity zone and assessment of the reliability of the results obtained for the well of LUKOIL-PERM LTD
Authors I.R. Sharapov, V.A. Ryzhov, S.A. Feofilov, A.Y. Milin, I.A. Chernykh, A.V. Rastegaev and I.N. PonomarevaSummaryThe deepening of the sensors of the surface locating system under the low-velocity zone compensates for the influence of inaccuracy in the knowledge of the velocity model in the upper part of the section, reduces the level of registered surface noise and expands the upper limit of the operating frequency range. All this increases the sensitivity to weak events and the accuracy of event location in general. The formation of a hydraulic fracture leads to a change in filtration flows in the reservoir in the well area, which in general should affect the change in flow rate not only in the well with hydraulic fracturing, but also in the adjacent wells. Correlation analysis between daily fluid flow rates in wells before and after hydraulic fracturing, in the presence of statistical relationships, allows to establish a change in the direction of fluid movement in the considered element of the development system and to give a qualitative assessment of the fracture azimuth obtained from the results of microseismic monitoring.
Integrated approach to well test and production log analysis interpretation of multiple hydraulically fractured horizontal wells in low permeability heterogeneous formation
Authors E.I. Grishina and M.I. KremenetskySummaryThe Paper presented usage of Well Testing and Production logging in Horizontal wells in low permeability reservoirs. The obtained test results were reviewed in order to estimate parameters of each individual fracture and reservoir permeability using production contribution of each fracture by PLT and bottom-hole pressure and surface liquid rate of tested wells. Optimal testing technology and interpretation methodology is justified by numerical modeling.
Experience in drilling multilateral wells at the fields of JSC Tomskneft
Authors V.V. Stotsky, A.S. Aleshkin, A.V. Kuznetsov and P.V. MolodykhSummaryJSC TomskNIPIneft has accumulated significant experience in geological support for drilling horizontal wells at the fields of JSC Tomskneft. The authors have consolidated the existing experience of drilling multilateral wells at the fields of JSC Tomskneft. Was formed a list of cases and "lessons learned" in order to increase the efficiency of drilling and further replicate such wells.
Seismic Facies Analysis of the Neocomian Sediments of the Rakushechno-Shirotnaya Uplift Zone Oil Field (Caspian) as a Tool to Improve the Efficiency of Horizontal Wells Geosteering
Authors A.V. Gorban, I. N. Kerusov and I.S. TimofeevaSummaryLateral changes of lithology can reduce the reliability and efficiency of geosteering when using only reference wells. Using 3D seismic data in addition to reference vertical wells can improve the efficiency of horizontal wells planning and geosteering. The oil field considered in this study is covered by 3D seismic survey and 6 exploration wells. The Neocomian terrigenous reservoir is being developed with horizontal wells Seismic-well-tie show that lithology changes within Neocomian reservoir can lead to time shift between stratigraphic well top and seismic reflection. Seismic facies mapping was performed using seismic attributes and verified by horizontal wells data. Result seismic facies map can be used for optimal well placement
Investigation of state of the gas pipeline part under the Vym River
Authors V.V. Noskevich and V.Y. GorshkovSummaryThe article presents the results of ground penetrating radar (GPR) researches of the gas subway pipeline, which was passed under the river by horizontal drilling. GPR method allowed to distinguish the layers boundaries in more detail than drilling data, and also found an anomalous zone with a high-frequency "ringing", corresponding to a metal object that damaged the upper part of the gas pipeline.
The approach for anomalous permeable zones detection in the sedimentary cover based on geomorphological analysis and gravimetric data
Authors D.I. Khasanov, J.V. Gubaidullina, K.V. Rodionov, I.I. Bagmanov, D.K. Nurgaliev and A.A. LutfullinSummaryComplex of methods, presented in this work, allows to identify active fluid migration zones of natural or technogenic characters. Application of this complex is especially relevant due to existing areas, which underexplored or not explored by seismic methods. The proposed method allows to promptly predict the existence and spatial position of sedimentary cover active fluid migration zones at minimum cost. In such zones, the fluid migration can occur laterally (along faults, blocks boundaries, etc) and vertically. The information, which obtained using this technique, can be applied for planning of horizontal wells and network of injection wells, interpreting hydrodynamic modeling data etc.
Geochemical monitoring of oil molecular composition during field development for geological model updating and optimization of horizontal wells performance
SummaryApplying geochemical techniques to complex of geological exploration opens wide opportunities for controlling the field development and operation. For example, molecular studies make it possible to understand complex oil reservoirs, find vertical and lateral connectivity, trace oil migration, determine the proportions of commingled production from multiple zones. This paper presents an example of geochemical monitoring of oil from the wells of the Caspian Sea water area. Geochemical survey were based on study of molecular composition of paraffins in gasoline fractions of oil. The molecular composition of oil samples obtained from different wells in period from 2016 to 2020 has been compared. The possibility of identification whether hydrocarbon fluid belonged to the working formation is shown.
The accumulated experience of planning and geological monitoring the drilling process of horizontal wells into the Cenomanian strata of the Kharampurskoe field
Authors R.S. Shekhonin, A.A. Orlov, I.A. Kunakkuzhin, V.S. Abdullin and A.P. PopruzhukSummaryThe results of comprehensive work that led into an increase in drilling efficiency, an improvement in the starting flow rates of drilled wells, and a decrease in estimated economic losses are reflected.
Taking Parameters of Horizontal Wells Into Account During Reserve Estimation
More LessSummaryIn this presentation we're taking a look at possibility of taking parameters of horizontal wells into account when estimating reserves of Srednebotuobinsky field. Interpretation of horizontal wells has been done, as well as coefficients of porosity and hydrocarbon saturation have been calculated. We've compared the parameters with the core and the pilot borehole, and given recommendations for use of the parameters when estimating reserves.
Quantitative interpretation of data from flowmetric studies of horizontal wells: problems and opportunities
SummaryRecently, in connection with the expansion of the hardware and methodological complex in field-geophysical studies (PGI) of horizontal wells, more and more attention, along with the traditional qualitative interpretation of PGI data, is paid to the quantitative determination of parameters, such as the inflow profile, interval flow rate, etc. One of the main approaches in this case is the use of mathematical models and the solution of inverse problems for the quantitative assessment of the relevant parameters based on the processing of the initial data of field-geophysical studies at different operating modes of the well. The most complete information is obtained when using multi-sensor devices with distributed moisture meters and temperature sensors, as well as systems with length-distributed temperature and pressure sensors, as well as fiber-optic technologies. Some approaches for quantifying phase flow rates and the inflow/uptake profile from flowmetric studies are discussed below.
Real-time LWD interpretation
Authors A.S. Romantsov, A.M. Galechyan, V.E. Kovalchuk and V.V. KapsenkovSummaryDrilling process geological monitoring becomes more critical due to horizontal drilling percentage increase over the last two decades. That results in a growth of LWD operative interpretation demand and makes necessary to provide the formation evaluation data as soon as possible. This paper represents the automation of LWD interpretation process with automatic data import and export via the remote server. Decreasing the process life of operative interpretation we manage to increase the geosteering efficiency. This work examines formation evaluation and calculation of the mineral volumetric fractions. Collector, lithology and formation fluid type are determined by the cut-off values method. Data transmission (both import and export) is performed via the classified remote server WITSML. The represented approach has shown its efficiency on practice. It makes log quality control more effective and optimizes the workflow by cutting down unproductive routine operations.
Improving Development Efficiency of Hard-to-Recover Reserves of Tyumen Formation (JK2-9) at Krasnoleninsky Field
Authors S.A. Moiseev, Yu.A. Plitkina, D.P. Patrakov and A.S. GlebovSummaryThe challenges of developing the Tyumen Formation reserves are associated with the following features: thick oil column, high heterogeneity, abnormally low permeability, and a low degree of knowledge. Historically, the development of the Tyumen Formation has been uneconomic due to low startup oil rates and high decline rates. The first active phase of development began in 2009, due to recompletions at the Talinsky license block and drilling of directional wells with hydraulic fracturing at the Em-Yegovsky license block. Those measures resulted in recoveries of less than 2% of the initial recoverable reserves. The next stage started in 2013–2015, when a pilot project of “horizontal wells with hydraulic fracturing” was successfully implemented at the Em-Egovsky license block. Together with the tax incentives to the MET rate, this made it possible to significantly expand the zones of economic drilling and ensure an increase in oil production. Based on successful practices at the Em-Egovsky license block, since 2017, the HzW + MSHF technology has been replicated at the Kamenny and Talinsky license blocks. In the next 20 years, it is planned to drill about 5,000 wells in the Tyumen Formation which will increase production by more than five times. In 2020, a pilot project was implemented to increase the length of a horizontal well (up to 1,200 m) and the number of hydraulic fracturing stages (up to 12). Note that the current tax incentives will not allow the full involvement of the Tyumen Formation reserves into development - when moving into zones of poorer quality, the development economics decreases. By the time the tax benefit expires (2030–2035), 40% of planned wells will be drilled, the recoveries from initial recoverable reserves will not exceed 20%. Further growth and maintenance of oil production will require additional tax incentives.
Estimation of the number of stages of hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells in various geological conditions
Authors E.O. Sazonov, A.A. Suleimanov, A.I. Ganeev and A.N. NugaevaSummaryThe report considers the problem of fluid flow to a well with multistage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) in an infinite and bounded homogeneous isotropic formation. An approximating dependence of the skin factor in a horizontal well with multistage fracturing on its parameters has been obtained. Calculation formulas for expressing the skin factor was derived. Based on the solution of the diffusivity equation for a bounded formation with a boundary condition of the first kind, rates and cumulative production for the well were obtained with good accuracy. An economic estimation of the optimal number of hydraulic fracturing stages was presented. To evaluate this values specialized script is written by means of Python programming language.
Geochemical Approach for Identification of Hydraulic Fracture Vertical Distribution in Reservoir Simulation Model Basing on Microcomponent Study of Oil Produced
Authors M. Shipaeva, D. Nurgaliev, V. Sudakov, S. Usmanov, R. Safina and R. SalimovaSummaryHydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells is one of the effective stimulation techniques. Despite the widespread use of this technology, determining the vertical distribution of fractures and adjusting its parameters in the geological and reservoir simulation models remains challenging. That is due to the lack of borehole and areal geophysical surveys data on fractures distribution. Vertical distribution of hydraulic fractures has a strong influence on fluid flow in carbonate reservoir. The correct simulation of their geometry in the hydrodynamic models greatly affects the nature of reserve recovery, the well performance, water breakthrough and the efficiency of reservoir development as a whole. The paper shows an approach based on geochemical survey of oil produced allowing identification of formation produced by a well with fracture and calibration fracture vertical distribution in reservoir simulation model on the data of oil inflow from each formation.
Forecast of productivity in the design of the field development scheme with horizontal wells based on the use of new methods of seismic data processing
Authors E. Anokhina and G. ErokhinSummaryThe use of new methods for processing seismic data makes it possible to refine the tectonic model of the field, to forecast zones of increased and decreased productivity in the production horizons. This is necessary for a reasonable choice of directions and lengths of horizontal and directional wellbores in the most fractured zones in order to maximize production rates. The fracture zone map serves as the basis for the design of the field development scheme. Initially, it is recommended to lay wells in zones of increased fracturing of the productive horizon, while avoiding or taking into account the zones of possible complications during drilling, which are present in the overlying horizons. If the location of the well pad has already been determined, the resulting map will help to adjust the azimuth and length of the horizontal sections of the wellbores to undercut the zones of increased productivity.
Integration of geomechanical and seismic data for losses predictions while drilling horizontal wells
Authors D. V. Malyutin, O. V. Grachev, A. V. Bekmachev, A. S. Puchkov, Ya. N. Smyshlyaev and I. A. OparinSummaryThis thesis presents the technology for assessing the risks of mud losses during drilling using 1D geomechanical modeling in conjunction with the seismic interpretation data MOGT-3D. Based on a combination of seismic and geomechanical data, a methodology has been developed for estimating the equivalent circulating density values, above which the mud losses will appear during drilling, which makes it possible to predict drilling risks and provide measures to prevent them without increasing the cost of drilling. In the examples considered, the forecast of mud losses by this method has a 72% confirmation (21 out of 29 wells). In order to further improve the technique, a number of measures have been proposed, including, conducting special methods of geophysical well logging to determine the nature of zones with increased mud loss risks and clarifying the direction of maximum horizontal stress, as well as performing leak-off tests (LOT and XLOT) for estimations of mud loss and hydraulic fracture pressures. The seismic-geomechanical model constructed according to the proposed method can be used to solve other equally important tasks: search for zones of increased reservoir properties, the location of the ports of multistage hydraulic fracturing, risk assessment of increased wear of bits and others.