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74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating EUROPEC 2012
- Conference date: 04 Jun 2012 - 07 Jun 2012
- Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-27-9
- Published: 04 June 2012
1 - 20 of 948 results
Determination of Minimum Calculation Ranges for Finite Sized Gravity Models
Authors C. Mueller, P. L. Smilde and M. H. KriegerLimited calculation ranges induce errors in gravity modelling that may become quite large by disadvantageous (but still likely) density distributions. Generally valid statements regarding the required calculation range always have to be based on the density distribution with the strongest differential effect possible. With the methodology presented, the necessary calculation range can be determined for a specific density distribution of a project. This is done by determining the differential gravity effect of the external volume on any pair of points within the area of interest. If long wavelength components of these differences can be assimilated by a regional trend, they do not have to be eliminated by an increased calculation range. To shorten calculation times, with a similar approach a limiting distance and depth can be determined, for calculating gravity by line or point masses instead of prisms. With these controlled simplifications, even large model areas can be computed with the required accuracy within acceptable times; especially for joint forward and inverse modelling of Gz and gravity gradient data in the context of complex geological models and/or finely discretised density distributions.
Condensate Recovery from a Fractured Carbonate Field (SPE 153349)
Authors C. Paraschiv, J. Abdev and T. ClemensFractured reservoirs are characterised by a large difference in permeability of the fracture and matrix system. Usually, the matrix contains the bulk of the oil while the fractures are the flow paths. These characteristics are challenging for projects aiming at increasing hydrocarbon liquid recovery from gas condensate fields by gas injection. While in fractured oil reservoirs, capillary forces (imbibition) or gravity forces can be utilised to improve oil recovery, for gas injection into gas condensate reservoirs, these forces are less important. The recovery mechanisms were investigated using the properties of a rich gas condensate field in the Middle East. A fine grid sector simulation model was created in which the fractures and matrix were introduced explicitly. Without taking diffusion into account, the injected gas breaks through at the producer very fast. The concentration in the produced gas is closely linked to the effective permeability of the fracture divided by the effective permeability of the matrix. However, taking diffusion into account, the increase in injected gas concentration is much slower. The speed of the increase (for the same pore volume injected) depends on matrix porosity, velocity of the front, fracture spacing and permeability contrast. The molecules of the injected gas are diffusing into the matrix while the components of the reservoir gas are diffusing towards the fracture. The various components have different diffusion coefficients. Dependent on the injection gas, the dew point pressure in the matrix can be reached (despite the reservoir pressure being constant) and condensate drops out. Hence, the condensate recovery depends on the injected gas. The results of the study show that neglecting diffusion in fractured reservoirs can result in errors in the condensate recovery of more than 50 %. In addition, the shape of the condensate recovery curve will be incorrect if diffusion is not accounted for.
Gravity Segregated Flow in Surfactant Flooding (SPE 154495)
Authors A. Lohne, I. Fjelde and E.Y. PurwantoThe main recovery mechanism in surfactant flooding is improved microscopic displacement achieved by suppressing pore-scale capillary forces by approximately four orders of magnitude through reduced interfacial tension (IFT). Effects on macroscopic mechanisms like capillary trapping in presence of heterogeneities or gravity segregation are normally not considered. The influence of capillary forces on segregated flow behind the displacement front is investigated by numerical simulations in homogeneous and heterogeneous models and by steady-state upscaling. The positive effect of gravity segregation is that oil floats up, accumulates under low permeable cap rocks and thereby increases the effective horizontal oil mobility. Capillary forces act against this segregation. These mechanisms are not captured in normal coarse-gridded field models. Simulations in homogeneous layer models indicated up to 20% incremental oil production from a moderate IFT reduction (1 mN/m). More field relevant heterogeneous descriptions decreased incremental recovery down towards 5%. Gravity segregation is observed below a critical rate, depending on phase density difference, vertical permeability and layer thickness. All pertinent parameters are combined into a dimensionless viscous-gravity ratio, Rvg. The condition for gravity segregation is Rvg<1. At lower rate the oil recovery approached an upper limit obtained from upscaling under gravity-capillary equilibrium conditions. This limit was represented in terms of the dimensionless Bond number, NB. The oil production was found to be sensitive to IFT when 0.1
Proper Design Criteria of Microemulsion Treatment Fluids for Enhancing Well Production (SPE 154451)
Authors L. Quintero, T.A. Jones and P.A. PietrangeliWhen newly drilled oil and gas wells fail to reach the expected production levels, near-wellbore damage may have resulted from fluid incompatibility, poor fluid/rock interaction and/or mechanical damage. These problems may also occur during remediation or stimulation operations if the treatment fluid is not properly designed. The main formation damage mechanisms that lead to these problems are in-situ emulsions, wettability changes, water blocks and scale formation. It is recognized that such reservoir damage can be removed or prevented using microemulsion technology which leads to more productive oil and gas wells. The challenge is to design and select an optimized microemulsion system based on the reservoir conditions, such as the bottom-hole temperature and the composition of the crude oil, formation water, and the drilling and completion fluids. A well designed treatment fluid should provide ultra-low interfacial tension, high oil solubilization and complete compatibility of all fluids it encounters. The selection of the optimum formulations for specific applications requires a systematic study of the phase behavior of brine-surfactant-oil systems as a function of temperature and its final composition, which includes the salt, surfactants, co-surfactants and an optional acid. This paper provides a comprehensive discussion of the phase behavior obtained with the brine/surfactant/oil systems used in microemulsion formulations for formation damage prevention and removal. Laboratory tests results and field applications in open-hole and cased-hole completed wells have proven that the microemulsion treatment fluids are successful in the field if there is a systematic analysis of phase behavior that identifies and defines the treatment fluid phase boundaries.
Novel Insights into the Pore-scale Mechanisms of Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection (SPE 154529)
Authors M. Sohrabl and A. EmadiCO2 injection is a proven EOR (enhanced oil recovery) method, which has been extensively applied in the field. CO2 promotes oil recovery through a number of mechanisms including; CO2 dissolution, viscosity reduction, oil swelling, and extraction of light hydrocarbon components of crude oil. One of the main advantages considered for CO2 injection is that it can develop miscibility with most of light crude oils at a pressure lower than what would be required for other gases. Miscibility development is a function of reservoir pressure, temperature and also oil composition. In water flooded oil reservoirs, water can adversely affect the performance of CO2 injection as it reduces the contact between oil and CO2. However, CO2 will be able to dissolve into water and diffuse from water into the oil. The dynamic interplay between these various mechanisms is complicated and cannot be captured by existing models and simulations.
Multidisciplinary Approach for Novel Application of Formation-pressure-while-drilling Service in High-temperature(160C) Low-permeability Carbonate (SPE 154463)
Authors M. Turner, C. Bruni, I.B. Odumboni, M. Sanguinetti and B. SellamiThe Abiod formation is the principal target in the Miskar field, offshore Tunisia. Consisting of fractured geomechanically stressed carbonate with matrix permeability as low as 0.1 mD. The formation dates from Campanian to lower Maastrichtian and forms a horst structure. The formation has been under production since 1996. Obtaining formation pressure data was considered critical for determining the magnitude of depletion from production, well-to-well comparisons for vertical and lateral connectivity, forward modeling, completion decisions, and refinement of the field development plan. Historically, this has been a challenge with conventional wireline formation testers for the following reasons: - Severe depletion causing differential sticking - High temperatures (160CB0C) at the limit of tool electronics - Low permeability - Fractures and breakouts impacting seal success This was overcome with a systematic multidisciplinary approach. After review of historical formation testing data to determine seal success and probe and packer influence, it was decided to apply formation-pressure-while-drilling (FPWD) technology. The key questions with FPWD in this environment are: Can we achieve a good transient profile and what is potential impact of supercharging? These questions were addressed with advanced prejob modeling, which enabled determination of an optimized pretest configuration and testing procedure to minimize potential supercharging effects. While drilling, stage-in procedures were used, and mud logging total gas data were gathered to identify areas of liberated gas. Post-run wireline petrophysical data were gathered to calculate an intrinsic permeability profile. Ultrasonic borehole images and caliper data were used to determine the principal horizontal stress directions, fracture frequency, and orientation. Combined, this information allowed a focused orientation of the FPWD probe and optimal station selection avoiding fractures and breakouts. This novel approach resulted in 100% seal success, >60% improvement. Four days of rig time were saved, and the required data were obtained.
Characterization of Direct Fractures Using Real Time Offshore Analysis of Deuterium Oxide Tracer (SPE 154878)
Authors A. Poulsen, K. Bousquet Lafond, T. Lundgaard and L.M. PedersenInduced or natural fractures in waterflooded reservoirs can have a negative impact on oil recovery. Direct connections between injectors and producers allows otherwise recoverable oil to be bypassed by the injected water, reducing the sweep efficiency and the pressure support to the reservoir. Knowledge about the number of connections, their location and size is essential to properly design a reliable conformance treatment. The Danish Technological Institute has together with Maersk Oil developed a deuterium based tracer technology which can provide information about high conductivity fractures in tight reservoirs. The method has been proven on several studies in the North Sea and allows quick and direct analysis offshore. Immediate actions based on real time results offshore can be taken and minimum response time is needed for planning further operations. The tracer used is deuterium oxide which is safe to handle and brings no environmental issues, as it is already naturally present in water. It is completely miscible with water and does not dissolve in the oil phase. The returns are analyzed directly from the produced water stream after separation using a mass spectrometer. This portable equipment allows a quick and reliable analysis with minimal sample preparation. The concentration of tracer is analyzed to give information such has breakthrough time, concentration profile and volume of tracer returned. This data is then used to determine the number of fractures, their conductivity and their relative position in the wellbore using an injector-fracture-producer model.
Optimizing Reservoir Monitoring - Improving PNL Logs in Changing Borehole Environments (SPE 152761)
Authors M. Kanfar, I. Ariwodo, A. Qatari and P. SaldungarayThe growing demand for oil has emboldened producing companies to reenter old wells to drill laterals to further improve productivity and recovery. This requires reevaluating the water saturation. Successes in reservoir saturation monitoring petrophysical analysis have increased the confidence to drill sidetracks in watered wells that have bypassed oil potential. Several techniques can be used to perform the analysis. The Pulsed Neutron Log is one of the most popular. Slim logging tools allow running the surveys without having to pull out the production string. Under the right conditions, Pulsed-Neutron Capture logs can be run periodically in the time-lapse mode to monitor changes in water saturation, and movements in the oil-water contact and gas-oil contact. The wellbore environment might change between runs and this can complicate the analysis. For example, the borehole fluids can be different: gas, oil or brines of varying salinities. Also, changes in the downhole completion hardware would require running the logs in single or multiple strings. One has to be cognizant of all these environmental effects and appropriately correct for them to obtain the true formation properties, and to make comparisons between runs in the time-lapse analysis. Different vendors use different correction schemes. In this paper we will discuss case studies with a methodology from one service company that uses the forward modeling approach, which relies on first characterizing the tool response in a known environment. The paper will comment on the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, in particular, when the downhole conditions deviate from the characterized environment. Alternatives will be proposed to get the best possible results, based on a study conducted by Saudi Aramco. Finally, we will present some examples in Saudi Arabian wells where the computed capture cross section and neutron porosity were successfully corrected in challenging conditions.
Ekofisk 4D Seismic - Seismic History Matching Workflow (SPE 154347)
Authors E. Tolstukhin, B. Lyngnes and H.H. SudanThis presentation outlines an integrated workflow that incorporates 4D LoFS data into the Ekofisk field reservoir model history matching process. Successful application and associated benefits of the workflow process are also presented. A permanent ocean-bottom cable array was installed in Ekofisk field in 2010 as a part of a Life of Field Seismic (LoFS) program. This program provides frequent 4D seismic data, and the first three surveys have been acquired in years 2010-2011. LoFS monitoring data is used to optimize the Ekofisk waterflood by providing water movement insights and subsequently improving infill well placement. Reservoir depletion and water injection in Ekofisk lead to reservoir rock compaction and fluid substitution. These changes are revealed in space and time through 4D seismic differences. Inconsistencies between predicted (calculated from reservoir model output) and actual 4D differences are therefore used to identify reservoir model shortcomings. This process is captured using the following workflow: prepare and upscale a geologic model; simulate fluid flow and associated rock-physics using a reservoir model; generate a synthetic 4D seismic response from fluid and rock-physics forecasts; and update the reservoir model to better match actual production/injection data and the 4D seismic response. The above-mentioned Seismic History Matching (SHM) workflow employs rock-physics modeling to quantitatively constrain the reservoir model and develop a simulated 4D seismic response. Then parameterization techniques are used to constrain and update the reservoir model. This workflow updates geological parameters in an optimization loop through minimization of a misfit function. It is an automated closed loop system, and optimization is performed using an in-house computer-assisted history matching tool with an evolutionary algorithm. In summary, the Ekofisk LoFS SHM workflow is a multi-disciplinary process that requires collaboration between geological, geomechanical, seismic and reservoir engineering disciplines to optimize reservoir management.
Reservoir Description of the Subsurface Eagle Ford Formation, Maverick Basin Area, South Texas, USA (SPE 154528)
Authors B. Driskill, A. Garbowicz, A.M. Govert and N. SuurmeyerThe Eagle Ford Formation (EF) is a marl deposited during a highstand on a broad shelf along the paleo-Texas coast. It is thickest in the Maverick Basin, a small sag related to crustal thinning. Datasets were collected including core, cuttings, chemostrat, biostrat, and well logs. From the core and cuttings, core CT scans, thin sections, SEM images, FIB-SEM volumes, and XRD/XRF tables were acquired. The purpose of the data was to understand EF depositional processes and rock textures, and to create a predictive model for reservoir properties. The regional EF study began with correlation of 400+ logs. The correlation involved a sequence stratigraphic framework (SSF) based on log character and refined with ash correlations, biostrat and chemostrat. Texture seen in core, core CT scans, and the SEM/FIB-SEM work was compared to the SSF. These data gave insights into patterns of fluctuating oxygen and energy levels which were then included into the depositional model (DM). The DM shows regional patterns of composite parasequences in which properties such as TOC, porosity, carbonate content and rock texture are predictable. SEM/FIB-SEM images show that pores in the EF are mainly intergranular or within organic matter (OM), and that the structure of OM pores is related to maturity level. Using the SSF, reservoir properties can be predicted along the EF trend: cycles of EF with good reservoir properties can be mapped with respect to hydrocarbon fluid zones to yield risk maps. By understanding how and where different parts of a parasequence stack you can better predict sweet spots for well productivity, both geographically and stratigraphically. Each unconventional play is unique; what works for reservoir characterization and risk mapping in one is not always applicable to another. It is important, then, to document which strategies work in each play.
Overdisplacing Propped Fracture Treatments - Good Practice or Asking for Trouble? (SPE 154397)
Authors K.A.W. van Gijtenbeek, H.J. De Pater and J.R. ShaoulOne of the major issues that comes with the development of unconventional ultra-tight shale gas reservoirs is related to under-displacing or over-displacing hydraulic proppant fracture treatments in multiple zone completions in horizontal wells. Multi-stage hydraulic proppant fracture treatments in horizontal well completions in tight gas reservoirs are, in general, under-displaced to ensure that a highly conductive path exists between the reservoir and the wellbore. In recent years, a large amount of multi-stage propped fracture treatments in horizontal wells in ultra-tight shale gas reservoirs are being over-displaced in order to get a clean wellbore and avoid problems with the hardware used for rapid multi-zone completions. Clean-out treatments are not required and therefore multiple treatments can be performed quickly, saving time and money. This practice may result in a poor connection between the ultra-tight reservoir and the wellbore. On the other hand, if the rock strength is sufficient, over-displacing a treatment could result in a very high conductivity region at the wellbore. This mechanism is similar to what has been seen in some wells with proppant flowback, where well productivity has increased following proppant flowback, which creates channels in the proppant pack near the perforations. This paper discusses these practices and, based on a combination of finite element modeling and fine gridded reservoir simulation, will try to answer if and when over-displacing fracs in shale or tight gas reservoirs should have a positive or a negative effect on production.
Transient Gas Flow in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs (SPE 154448)
Authors Y. Wu, P. Fakcharoenphol, J. Li and C. WangUnconventional gas resources from low-permeability formation, i.e., tight and shale gas, are currently received great attention because of their potential to supply the entire world with sufficient energy for decades to come. In the past few years, as a result of industry-wide R&D effort, progresses are being made towards commercial development of gas and oil from such unconventional resources. However, studies, understandings, and effective technologies needed for development of unconventional reservoirs are far behind the industry needs, and gas recovery from those unconventional resources remains low (estimated at 10-30% of GIP). Gas flow in low-permeability unconventional reservoirs is highly nonlinear, coupled by many co-existing, processes, e.g., non-Darcy flow and rock-fluid interaction within tiny pores or micro-fractures. Quantitative characterization of unconventional reservoirs has been a significant scientific challenge currently. Because of complicated flow behavior, strong interaction between fluid and rock, the traditional Darcy law may not be applicable for describing flow phenomena in general. In this paper, we will discuss a general mathematical model and use both numerical and analytical approaches to analyze gas flow in unconventional reservoirs. In particular, we will present analytical solutions of incorporating Klinkenberg effect, non-Darcy flow with threshold pressure gradient, and flow behavior in pressure sensitive media. We will discuss the numerical implementation of the mathematical model and show applications of the mathematical model and solutions.
Will Gas Hydrate Lying on Oceanic Floors in India Solve its Energy Problem? A Futuristic Approach (SPE 152471)
Authors A. Jha, S. Alimuddin, S. Kundu and A. SinghIndia with the largest gas hydrate deposits in the world have potential of being the biggest global producer of NGH (a solidified form of gas lying on oceanic floors). 1.08 trillion cubic metres of the proven conventional natural gas reserves in India is around 1700 times less than the prognosticated gas hydrate resources of 1894 trillion cubic metres lying in the deep water regions. Even the extraction of minor fraction of this resource can be the energy hunters for decades. This paper discusses the geological and geophysical aspects of marine gas hydrate distribution in India. Through a wide literature survey on successful gas hydrate field studies in the world authors have shown the technical and economic hurdles which are imposing constraints on the wide scale extraction of natural gas from NGH. The Indian exploration strategies to identify and quantify the gas hydrates by various seismic tools (e.g. seismic reflectors coincidence with the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ)) with its limitations are described in lucid manner. Also, the technical advancements with the help of various case studies are presented to eliminate the mentioned limitations. Well- based extraction technology (a drilling program) is discussed for safe and economically viable production of gas from gas hydrate reservoirs. Lastly at present researches going on to simulate the gas hydrate reservoirs incorporating mass and heat transfer along with intrinsic hydrate decomposition kinetics is described in context of Indian gas hydrate reservoirs. IndiaC"s 7500 km of coastline having a vast fuel reserve in the form of NGH can be a next generation energy source if mature extraction technology is developed to extract the gas from gas hydrate reservoirs.
Gravity-enhanced Transfer between Fracture and Matrix in Solvent-based Enhanced Oil Recovery (SPE 154374)
Authors S. Kahrobaei, H. Bruining, R. Farajzadeh and V.S. SuicmezDescription Solvent injection has been recently considered as an efficient method for enhancing oil recovery from fractured reservoirs. If the mass transfer was solely based on diffusion, oil recovery would have been unacceptably slow. The success of this method therefore depends on the degree of enhancement of the mass exchange rate between the solvent residing in the fracture and the oil residing in the matrix. A series of soak experiments have been conducted to investigate the mass transfer rate between the fracture and the matrix. In a soak experiment, a porous medium containing oil is immersed in an open space containing the solvent to simulate the matrix and the fracture respectively. We use a CT scanner to visualize the process. The experimental data are compared with a simulation model that takes diffusive, gravitational and convective forces into account. Application For oil wet conditions, injection of a liquid (waste) solvent can be considered as a possible alternative for recovery from naturally fractured reservoirs. In the absence of interfacial tension no residual phase trapping occurs. Gravity enhanced transfer leads to practical recovery rates. Results, Observations and Conclusions The initial stage of all experiments can be described by a diffusion-based model with an enhanced C"effective diffusion coefficientsC". In the second stage enhancement of the transfer rate occurs due to the natural convection of solvent in the fracture and its effect on the flow in the matrix. The experiments can be quantitatively mimicked by numerical simulations. We find that transfer rates depend on the properties of the rock, solvent and oil. Technical and economic aspects are further discussed in the paper. Significance The interaction between matrix and fracture is visualized for solvent flooding by means of X-ray computed tomography, which can be used to validate theories of enhanced transfer in fractured media.
Smart Waterflooding (High Sal/Low Sal) in Carbonate Reservoirs (SPE 154508)
Authors A. Zahid, A.A. Shapiro, A. Skauge and E.H. StenbyIn recent decade, low salinity waterflooding has been emerged as a prospective EOR method. Extensive laboratory research and successful field tests showed that low salinity waterflooding can improve the oil recovery from both outcrop samples (used in experiments) and reservoir sandstones. However, low salinity effect has not been thoroughly investigated for carbonates. Most recently, Saudi Aramco reported 16-18 % OOIP increase in oil recovery by low salinity waterflooding in composite rock samples from Saudi Arabian carbonate reservoirs. The objective of this work is to experimentally investigate the oil recovery potential of low salinity water flooding for carbonate rocks and to study the ion interaction with rock and wettability change using NMR. We used the Thamama formation carbonate (Abu Dhabi) and the Aalborg chalk core plugs for this study. The flooding experiments were carried out initially with the seawater, and afterwards the contribution to oil recovery was evaluated by sequential injection of various diluted versions of the seawater. The total oil recovery, interaction of the different ions with the rock, and the wettability change were studied both at room and high temperature. No low salinity effect was observed for the Thamama formation core plug at room temperature, but increase of the pressure drop over the core plug is detected. On the contrary, a significant increase in oil recovery was observed under low salinity flooding of the Thamama formation core plug at 90 CB0C. An increase in pressure drop was also observed in this case and that may be related to migration of fines or formation of emulsions. The Aalborg chalk core plugs did not show any low salinity effect, both at room and high temperature. NMR measurements showed that low salinity brine solutions affect the wettability of the Thamama formation core plugs.
World's First Combination of Acid & Steam Provides a New Dimension to Heavy Oil Enhanced Recovery Process (SPE 154515)
Authors T. Shaheen, W. Hassan, S. Kamal and M.I. Ul Haq SiddiquiThe Issaran field located200 km east of Cairo-Egypt, is a heavy oil reservoir.The oil is of 8-12 degree API with viscosity of 4000 cps at standard conditions. Productivity of the wells has sharply declined due to increase in water cut and increase in the formation skin value. The problem is attributed to the heterogeneity of the reservoir together with presence of fractures which is causing poor sweep efficiency plus the accumulation of hydrocarbon deposits. The major challenge to remedy this situation was; Not only the creation of new extended flow channels, accurate placement of the treatment, diversion within the reservoir, and to provide sustain production increase but also the flow and the production of oil through the newly formed wormholes. A new innovative approach using a combination of acid based treating fluids and steam were used. Acid in combination with unique chemical diverting agent plus selective placement mechanism succeeded to open new production horizons and stimulate the existing one. The Addition of Steam has succeeded in reducing the viscosity and increasing the mobility of oil, and also in providing pressure support to the reservoir achieving further increase in the benefits of the acid stimulation. The results of the treatments carried out so far have provided a new dimension in the enhanced recovery process of the heavy oil. This paper explains the design, execution, evaluation and the recommended way forward of this world first acid & steam production enhancement initiative for the reservoir enhanced recovery process.
Effect of Hot Water Injection on Sandstone Permeability - An Analysis of Experimental Literature (SPE 154489)
Authors G. Rosenbrand and I.L. FabriciusThe seasonal imbalance between supply and demand of renewable energy requires temporary storage, which can be achieved by hot water injection in warm aquifers. This requires that the permeability and porosity of the aquifer are not reduced significantly by heating. We present an overview of published results regarding the effect of temperature on sandstone permeability. These tests are performed with mineral oil, nitrogen gas, distilled water and solutions of NaCl, KCl, CaCl2 as well as brines that contain a mixture of salts. Thirteen sandstone formations, ranging from quartz arenites to formations with a significant fraction of fine particles including clay minerals are investigated. The porosities range from 0.10 to 0.30 and permeabilities span the range from 1 to 1000 md. To compare different rock types, specific surface is determined from permeability and porosity using Kozeny’s equation.
Adjoint-based History-matching of Production and Time-lapse Seismic Data (SPE 154375)
Authors G.M. van Essen, A. Conn, G.D. Sippe, L. Horesh, E. Jimenez, J.K. Przybysz-jarnut and P.J. Van den HoekTime-lapse (4D) seismic attributes can provide valuable information on the fluid flow within subsurface reservoirs. This spatially-rich source of information complements the poor areal information obtainable from production well data. While fusion of information from the two sources holds great promise, in practice, this task is far from trivial. Joint Inversion is complex for many reasons, including different time and spatial scales the fact that the coupling mechanisms between the various parameters are often not well established, the nature of the required model updates is localized, and the necessity to integrate multiple data. These concerns limit the applicability of many data-assimilation techniques. Adjoint-based methods are free of these drawbacks but their implementation generally requires extensive programming effort. In this study we present a workflow that exploits the adjoint functionality that modern simulators offer for production data to consistently assimilate inverted 4D seismic attributes without the need of re-programming of the adjoint code. Here we discuss a novel workflow which we applied to assimilate production data and 4D seismic data from a synthetic reservoir model, which acts as the real - yet unknown - reservoir. Synthetic production data and 4D seismic data were created from this model to study the performance of the adjoint-based method. The seamless structure of the workflow allowed rapid setup of the data assimilation process, while execution of the process was reduced significantly. The resulting reservoir model updates displayed a considerable improvement in matching the saturation distribution in the field, as well as a vast improvement in predictive capacity. This work was carried out as part of a joint Shell-IBM research project.
Assisted Seismic History Matching in Different Domains - What Seismic Data Should We Compare? (SPE 154503)
Authors I. Sagitov and K.D. StephenTime-lapse (4D) seismic data can be integrated into history matching by comparing predicted and observed data in various domains. These include time domain, seismic attributes, or petro-elastic properties such as acoustic impedance. Each domain requires different modelling methods and assumptions as well as data handling workflows. The aim of this work is to investigate the degree to which the choice of domain influences outcome of history matching on the choice of best model and associated uncertainties. Another aspect of history matching is that long simulations often pose an obstacle for an automatic approach. In this study we use appropriately upscaled models manageable in the automatic history matching loop. We apply manual and assisted seismic history matching to the Schiehallion field. In the assisted approach, the optimization loop is driven by a stochastic algorithm, while the manual workflow is based on qualitative comparison of seismic maps. By upscaling we obtained an order of magnitude gain in performance. Accurate upscaling was ensured by thorough volume and transmissibility calculation within regions. The parameterisation of the problem is based on a pattern of seismically derived geobodies with specified transmissibility multipliers between the regions. Seismic predictions are made through petro-elastic modelling, 1D convolution, coloured inversion and calculation of different attributes. We were able to achieve a reasonable match of production and 4D seismic data using coarse scale models in manual and assisted approaches. We observed that the misfit surfaces are different when working in the various seismic domains considered. Use of equivalent domains for observed and predicted data was found to give a more unique misfit response and better result. Accurate comparison of predicted and observed 4D seismic data in different domains is necessary for tackling non-uniqueness of the inverse problem and hence reducing the uncertainty of field development predictions.
Assisted Seismic History Matching of the Nelson Field - Managing Large Numbers of Unknowns by Divide and Conquer (SPE 154892)
Authors K. Stephen, A. Kazemi and F. Sedighi-dehkordiAutomatic history matching may be used to condition reservoir simulation models by including time-lapse seismic data. Stochastic optimization algorithms are used to perform a good search of the parameter space and to ensure proper determination of the best models. These approaches can require many thousands of simulations for large dimensional problems. Divide and conquer is an assisted history matching approach that enables deconvolution of the parameters so that they can be searched more efficiently and also leads to better uncertainty analysis. We present an application of this approach to the Nelson field. Nine years of production history data were used along with seismic baseline and monitor surveys. Localised variations were made to permeability and net:gross. We were able to divide the reservoir model into separate parameter regions as a form of localization by combining experimental design and proxy model analysis. The former enabled insignificant parameters to be discarded. The latter showed that each region could be treated as a separate history matching sub-problem which was solved simultaneously using an adapted genetic algorithm. We found that a forty-two dimensional problem could be reduced to a combination of three 9D problems and a 3D problem due to the spatial deconvolution of parameters and misfits. An improved match was obtained for the production and seismic data. Compared to a full stochastic search of the parameter space, the number of models was several orders of magnitude smaller. Further, improved uncertainly analysis was made possible resulting in better forecasting. An improved match to reservoir models leads to better confidence in their prediction and thus they can be used more effectively in reservoir management. The method presented here improves the match and retains the benefits of stochastic searching without the penalty of requiring an impractical number of simulations.