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First EAGE/IFPEN Conference on Sulfur Risk Management in Exploration and Production
- Conference date: 18 Sep 2018 - 20 Sep 2018
- Location: Rueil-Malmaison, France
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-266-5
- Published: 18 September 2018
1 - 20 of 23 results
Why H2S Can Be Overlooked in Early Stage of Field Development
Authors J.H. de Kok, W.J. van Strien, R. Malekzadeh, A. Hofmann and B. ChallengerIn this paper we highlight several processes from drilling, sampling, metering and early production demonstrating difficulties in an accurate assessment of the initial H2S concentrations that may lead to underestimation of initial H2S concentrations in a reservoir fluid. We emphasize that a sudden detection of H2S in production streams may not be related to recent production lifetime activities such as microbial activity or migration and leakage from a H2S-rich formation. Possibly, the H2S was there initially, but it was never accurately detected. Application of biocides or other expensive mitigation techniques may thus be unwarranted. An integrated approach with proper sampling and analysis is required to investigate future H2S production risks.
Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Organic Sulfur Compounds in Natural Gas Samples and Pyrolysis Experiments
Authors A. Amrani, W. Said-Ahmad, N. Luu, T. Jaksier, C. Turich and A. StankiewiczThis work presents results of natural sour gas analysis and laboratory experiments that produce such gases and reveal sulfur isotope variability between individual OSCs that may represent key processes during formation and degradation of OSCs
Rock-Eval Sulfur & GEOWORKS software
Authors A. Wattripont, N. Bouton, J. Espitalie, R. Antonas and G. ConstantinouThe presence or absence of H2S in oils and oil reservoirs plays an important role in many oil-related sectors. The Rock-Eval 7 Sulfur and Geoworks software make possible, among other things, to analyze the organic and mineral sulfur of the studied levels and thus to better answer problems around sulfur presence. First the machine itself puts forward a more efficient oxidation cycle that can reach the temperature of 1200°C allowing decomposition of sulfates. The device is also equipped with Geoworks software which is used to acquire and process the signals and then calculate parameters related to different methods proposed according to the type of sample studied. Finally, this software offers a kinetic part (Quik Kinetic) making possible calculation of kinetic distributions on hydrocarbons and sulfur produced during the pyrolysis for each analyzed sample with a single heating ramp. An additional module will allow a more complete kinetic analysis as well as a simplified basin modeling. These technical breakthroughs make it possible to highlight the significant interest of this new device and software in the following sectors: gas shale exploration, in reservoir studies, in the refining sector as well as in the study of soils.
Coupled Abiotic and Biotic Sulfurization Processes during Microbial Sulfate Reduction with Alkyl Substrates
Authors V. Grossi, I. Antheaume and C. Cravo-LaureauWe here demonstrate that abiotic and biotic sulfurization processes can concomitantly occur during the degradation of alkyl substrates by microbial sulfate-reduction (MSR), and that sulfurization of OM can lead to the formation of OSC that, in return, can potentially fuels MSR. It can thus be envisaged that, in some circumstances, MSR can 1) counterbalance the apparent recalcitrance of OSC formed abiotically by metabolizing them further into cell biomass and/or other less recalcitrant OSC and, 2) decrease the content in OSC (and thus increase the quality) of the preserved OM/oil. The biogeochemical importance of such processes still needs to be evaluated. In addition to the enlargement of the panel of interactions that can occur during OM diagenesis in hydrocarbon-containing anoxic sediments and oil reservoirs, our study opens up new perspectives on mechanistic aspects involved in the sulfurization under natural conditions of organic compounds that are supposed not reactive with inorganic sulfur species.
Pyritic Sulphur and Organic Sulphur Quantification in Organic Rich Sediments Using Rock-Eval
Authors A. Aboussou, V. Lamoureux-Var, T. Wagner, D. Pillot, I. Kowalewski, C. März and B. GarciaAn advanced method for pyritic and organic sulphur quantification in organic rich sediments was developed using a Rock-Eval which was designed for sulphur quantification in addition to carbon quantification (Rock-Eval S). This new method involves data processing of parameters obtained via Rock-Eval S analysis of rock samples. It was applied to sedimentary mixtures with known organic and pyritic sulphur contents. The results show that this method allows an accurate quantification of both pyritic and organic sulphur in organic rich sediments that do not contain sulphates. This new method provides important analytical advantages, including (i) rapid analysis time (2 hours per sample); (ii) no chemical preparation steps, which are laborious and hazardous due to the use of strong acids; (iii) automatic analysis; and (iv) simultaneous quantification of organic/inorganic carbon and organic/inorganic sulphur in a single run.
Quantitative and Specific Recovery of Organic and Mineral Sulfur for Multi-isotope Analysis
Authors I. Jovovic, V. Grossi, P. Adam, F. Gelin, I. Antheaume, M. Ader and P. CartignySulfur is a key element of biogeochemical cycles, being both an essential component of living cells and involved in major geological processes. Its four stable isotopes (32S, 34S, 33S, 36S, in order of abundance) are subject to equilibrium and kinetic fractionations, which can be used as tracers to understand sulfur cycling processes. Multi-isotope studies noticeably revealed mass-independent fractionation processes of 33S and 36S, enlightening previously unknown specific organic or inorganic (bio)(geo)chemical mechanisms. Though the analytical procedures for the determination of S-multi-isotope compositions, which requires a quantitative extraction and purification of sulfur, are well-known for mineral sulfur species, the existing procedures for the extraction of organic sulfur are either restricted to specific species or technically restrictive. Here we propose a new chemical procedure for the quantitative recovery of organic sulfur in the form of Ag2S, for multi-isotope analysis, which is also compatible with the multi-isotope analysis of inorganic sulfur species from the same samples. This procedure is based on a standard sequence of reductive attacks specific of mineral sulfur species and was validated on various samples including fresh sediments, source rocks and oils.
Downhole Decomposition of Biocide Dazomet and Implications in the Delayed Onset of Hydrogen Sulfide in Hot Shale Gas Production
Authors J.J. Marrugo Hernandez, R. Prinsloo and R. MarriottThe unexpected presence of H2S in hot shale gas was previously attributed to Sulfur-reducing bacteria contamination. However, in recent years we have shown how sulfur containing chemical additives, used during the hydraulic fracturing procedures, could readily decompose and/or react under high-temperature and pressure (downhole conditions), producing H2S along with organosulfur compounds. In this abstract, we present evidence of the delayed souring of shale gas caused by Dazomet (commonly used biocide) which undergoes several reactions that leads to H2S and methyl thiol, exemplifying a case in which a chemical additive has the potential to sour hot shale gas production.
Nitrate Treatment Strategy, Differences of the Reservoir Scale and the Lab Scale
Authors M. Jahanbani Veshareh and H. M. NickFor years reservoir souring has caused serious economic and environmental damages. High concentration of sulphate in seawater besides the presence of sulphate reducing microorganisms in both seawater and reservoir fluids are a major source of this issue. Even though most of the academic research studies and industrial report propose nitrate treatment as a favourable mitigation strategy, some reports introduce it as an inefficient method. As the available literature data have studied nitrate treatment in the lab scale, to assess nitrate treatment fairly, they cannot be used directly. Therefore, in this study, we use simulation to extend our understanding from the lab scale to the reservoir scale. Results show that if NRM are dominant nitrate reducer community in the reservoir, nitrate treatment strategy might not be promising. In the case that NRSOM are the dominant nitrate reducer community, there can be a concentration of nitrate that can inhibit reservoir souring. In fact, this concentration is the concentration for which carbon source is exhausted through sulphur cycling. Therefore, the success of nitrate treatment, in this case, might depend on the feasibility of injecting this nitrate concentration. Additionally, we suggest that nitrite inhibition mechanism is not of significance in the reservoir scale.
Simulation Approach for Investigation of H2S Generation Mechanisms
Authors D.C. Standnes, I. Skjevrak, A. Kjølhamar, K. Håland and P.K. MunkerudMany mature oil fields in the North Sea are experiencing challenges with respect to increasing H2S production representing big economical challenges. The current manuscript is describing an attempt to extract information about these issues using a “macroscale” reservoir simulation approach for a large mature offshore field in the North Sea. The strategy chosen is to assume that the underlying processes of microbial, chemical and physical origin are capturing generation and transport of H2S in the reservoir with sufficient accuracy by applying only two major variables in a reservoir souring simulation tool (SourSimRL (SSRL)). Such a strategy is driven both from a practical (constrained on time) as well as a scientific point of view (Occam’s razor - be able to make useful conclusions). The overall goal of the research reported is to identify a total simulation workflow capable of reducing the uncertainty in future predicted H2S vs. time for each individual well and the total field production.
H2S in Unconventional Resource Plays: Occurrence, Origin and Mechanisms of Formation
Authors L.T. Bryndzia and C.I. MacaulayWe present sulfur isotopic data for H2S from three different unconventional resource plays, the Haynesville, Eagle Ford, and Permian Basin, which produce dry gas, gas condensate and light oil respectively. Each play produces low levels of H2S, with sulfur derived from clearly defined but different sources. H2S in each of these cases was generated by different mechanisms, including both Bacterial (BSR) and Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR). A consistent theme observed in all three resource plays is that H2S generated by both BSR and TSR processes coexist at present day reservoir conditions. These conditions in some cases are too hot for BSR and/or too low for TSR. In one example, we show that TSR-generated H2S was likely formed on a production time scale due to elevated sulfate levels in water used for hydraulic fracturing. In the other two examples H2S was generated over geologic time and appears to persist as a mixture of H2S derived from two different reservoirs of sulfur, generated at different times relative to their burial and uplift histories.
Experimental Investigation of Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenging Capacities and Mechanisms in Iron-bearing Minerals
Authors A. Graham, M. Singleton, I.K. Salleh, K. Khairuddin, J. Ibrahim and K. SorbieReservoirs that produce oil and gas containing no H2S (“sweet” systems) frequently turn “sour” (i.e. produce H2S) after some period of seawater (SW) injection. Certain minerals e.g. siderite (FeCO3), iron oxides (FexOy), and iron-bearing clays may react with produced H2S and retard its progress towards the producer wells. Despite the impact that these parameters may have on the development of reservoir souring models, there are no published experimental studies that have sought to explain the mechanisms of H2S scavenging or to quantify scavenging capacities for commonly occurring iron minerals. Focussing primarily on siderite but with additional data from field core samples, a combination of static bottle tests and dynamic sand pack experiments were used to identify and quantify H2S scavenging. This study has observed two proposed mechanisms for H2S reservoir scavenging, namely dissolution/precipitation, which depends on the stability of the Fe-bearing minerals, and surface displacement, which depends on the relative solubilities of the resultant precipitates. These mechanisms were rationalised using a suite of analytical techniques; ICP-OES, ESEM-EDX, pH data and particle size analysis. Capacities in the order of 0.5 to 13 mg/g (mg H2S per gram of active substrate) were calculated over a range of initial pH values and temperatures.
Assessment of H2S Generated by TSR Reaction in the Devonian Petroleum System of Alberta (Canada) Using Basin Modeling
Authors I. Kowalewski, X. Guichet, R. Traby, Y. Hamon, E. Dickens, S. Wolf, T. Euzen and N. MaurandImproved exploration strategies for the oil and gas fields involve high temperatures and pressures. This may induce Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR) risks. TSR is a complex succession of redox reactions that occur in deeply buried anhydrite-rich carbonate reservoirs under high temperatures. Such reactions lead to the formation of a high amount of H2S (toxic and corrosive gas) and a decrease in the quality of the hydrocarbons due to their oxidation. A new basin-scale approach was developed to compute a TSR risk index and, to assess the spatial distribution of H2S. The produced H2S can then be either dissolved in the formation water or released as a free gas phase. These two possibilities have been integrated into the TemisFlow™ software and were successfully applied to the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). The Devonian carbonate reservoirs of WSCB are known to have experienced TSR reactions, some of them containing up to 30% of H2S. The obtained numerical results show high TSRI values for the Devonian petroleum system. These values increase with the burial associated to the Laramide orogeny. Our results are in agreement with the petrography analyses. Given our simulation criteria, the order of magnitude of average simulated H2S masses is the same as the one reported by Machel (2005).
The Barents Sea of the Norwegian Continental Shelf: Drilling through Carbonates if Hydrogen Sulphide is Present: Modelling. Risk Management. Well Planning
Authors M.A. Mosesyan, H. Alexander, K.M. Edin, L.M. Surguchev and A. RabeyThere are a number of geological and hydrogeochemical modelling techniques that can be used in order to ascertain formation and generation of the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in the formation fluid within a geological setting in several blocks of the Norwegian Barents Sea. Careful consideration of the H2S generation can then be used in the drilling context especially when presence of H2S is coupled Permian and Carboniferous carbonate plays prone to causing severe drilling fluid losses and increasing exposure time of the downhole equipment to the H2S. Using appropriate analogues and adequate well offset analysis tend to demonstrate that most or all of the risk factors can be well mitigated.
How Multiple Sulfur Isotopes (δ33S, δ34S, δ36S) Help Unravel the Context of Thermochemical Sulfate Reaction during Metamorphic Events: Application to Subducted Evaporites from the French Alps
Authors G. Barré, E. Thomassot, P. Cartigny, R. Michels, L. Truche, P. Strzerzynski, S. Guillot, C. Lorgeoux and N. AssayagAnalyses of the multiple sulfur isotopes (δ33S, δ34S, δ36S) on the sulfur-rich minerals from the “Nappe des Gypses” formation (western French Alps), allow a better constrain on the TSR process. Small variations on ∆33S values highlight the conditions evolution of the isotopic signatures of the different sulfur pools during the TSR process. The fate of sulfur in petroleum reservoirs could be better understand with systematic analysis of all the sulfur isotopes.
Modelling Approaches to Assess Biogenic Souring During Waterflooding and EOR Operations
Authors H. Alkan, G. Namazova, S. Hatscher and N. DopffelInjection of water for pressure maintenance of reservoirs or injection of EOR solutions for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) may result in biogenic H2S production, which creates additional challenges in waterflood and EOR applications. In addition to serious health and safety concerns, this can cause significant production problems such as reduced quality of sales gas and crude, degraded productivity of wells, increased corrosion or enhanced scaling. Therefore, the realistic assessment of the magnitude of biogenic souring is of highest importance when it comes to project development to be able to mitigate and inhibit. However, physical and numerical estimation of the souring related parameters is highly unsatisfying in most of the cases due to significant uncertainties when making a deterministic assessment. The objective of the paper is to assess biogenic souring based on two different techniques using a commercial reservoir simulator as tool. Previous studies as well as the outcome of on-going field projects are used to develop the assessment concept and required input parameters. The results are provided as uncertainty analysis with their potential implications on field applications.
Understanding the Mechanisms of H2S Production During SAGD Processes Using Compositional Thermal Reactive Reservoir Simulation
Authors S. Ayache, J. Gasser Dorado, V. Lamoureux-Var, C. Preux and P. MichelSteam Assisted Gravity Drainage is a popular EOR method to recover heavy oil and bitumen. It consists of injecting steam to decrease the oil viscosity in the reservoir. During this process, the steam reacts with the oil due to the high temperature leading to the emission of the corrosive and highly toxic H2S if the oil contains sulfur. These reactions are called aquathermolysis. Understanding the mechanisms leading to H2S generation in the reservoir and to its resulting production at surface is of paramout importance for field operators in order to properly design their surface facilities and respect the environmental regulations. This study aims at providing more insights into these mechanisms. In particular the H2S generation and its distribution among the gas, oil and water phases in the reservoir have been investigated as well as its production process at well. Sensitivity analyses of H2S emissions on the injection temperature and the reservoir permeability have also been investigated. Overall this work illustrates the complex interactions between chemical reactions, thermodynamics equilibria and multiphase flows occuring in the reservoir and gives further insights on the mechanisms leading to the H2S production and its variation at the wellhead during the lifetime of a SAGD project.
Forecasting H2S Production Risk in Thermal Projects for EOR
Authors C. Preux, V. Lamoureux-Var, S.V. Ayache and P. MichelIn petroleum industry, steam injection is commonly used as a thermal EOR method for heavy oil extraction. These processes are associated with chemical reactions occurring in the reservoirs, called aquathermolysis, which produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and H2S. Hence it needs to be given a particular attention when it is produced at the surface. To manage the risk of H2S production in thermal projects, the reservoir simulation including aquathermolysis reactions is a valuable asset. In this paper, we present a workflow combining experimental aquathermolysis with sulfur balance and reservoir numerical modeling. This workflow allows forecasting H2S production and oil composition in thermal projects. This paper focuses on presenting the three stages of the workflow . The first stage consists in a rapid localization of the reservoir areas that are prone to generate H2S, based on sulfur screening with the Rock-Eval Sulfur. The second stage consists in aquathermolyse experiments aiming at reproducing the chemical reactions that occur in the reservoir, and quantifying H2S yield as a function of time, temperature and reservoir properties. The third stage consists in reservoir simulation using an aquathermolysis kinetic model calibrated with the experimental data obtained on stage 2.
Characterizing Sulfur in Foster Creek Bitumen Using Rock-Eval Sulfur, for Assessing H2S Production Risk in SAGD Operations
Authors V. Lamoureux-Var, Z. Ouled Ameur, P. Michel, I. Lévêque, A. Ravin, D. Pillot, S. Ayache and C. PreuxH2S emissions from thermal recovery operations of bitumen and heavy oil are becoming an increasing concern. Many Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) programs are finding H2S level rising as wells are aging. Steam injection causes aquathermolysis reactions between bitumen, reservoir rock and high temperature steam, converting some organosulfur compounds into H2S. To precise its origin, a pre-SAGD oil sand sample from Foster Creek-Athabasca was submitted to aquathermolysis laboratory tests at 250°C, 45 bar and various durations up to one year. After each run, H2S yield was quantified, the extracted SARA fractions and the mineral fraction were weighed. Their total and labile sulfur contents were measured using Rock-Eval Sulfur pyrolysis, enabling the calculation of total sulfur and labile sulfur distributions over the fractions. The results show that aquathermolysis reactions led to sulfur depletion of the asphaltene fraction and to sulfur enrichment of the resin and aromatic fractions, simultaneously to H2S generation. This suggests that labile sulfur containing asphaltenic compounds generate H2S, resins and aromatics upon aquathermolysis conditions. These data can be used to entirely calibrate an integrated aquathermolysis kinetic model in reservoir simulator, for simulating H2S production in a SAGD project at Foster Creek existing producing asset.
Unravelling the Processes of the H2S Generation in the North-western Pyrenees (France)
Authors G. Barré, E. Gaucher, G. Hoareau and A. Elias-BahnanExact origin of the H2S-rich deep Lacq reservoir remains unclear. In-situ gas analyses coupled to multiple sulfur isotopes analyses in the north-western part of the Pyrenees, lead to better constrain H2S sources and its formation timing. In addition to thermicity studies theses technique confirm that this gas is generated by the Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR). However, this work show that the H2S has been not generated in-situ in the deep Lacq reservoir, but in the “Chaînons Béarnais” which reached higher temperatures. This multi-methods study leads to trace and understand the H2S behavior from its initial formation to its trapping.
The Effect of Mixing TSR Fluids on Fluids Quality of The Radhuma and Tayarat Formation Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Burgan Field, South Kuwait
By M. Al-HajeriThe Tayarat Formation (Maastrichtian in age) was deposited in shallow-water carbonate platform complex across the interior of the Arabian Shield (Alsharhan and Nairn 1990, Dunnington 1958, Owen and Nasr 1958). Production from the Tayarat and Radhuma Formation heavy-oil reservoirs has presented many challenges in south Kuwait. Factors affecting these challenges are: 1) reservoir lithological heterogeneity, 2) poor reservoir quality, and 3) heavy-oil fluid properties heterogeneity. However, the main interest of this study is to understand the effect of mixing TSR-fluids on the physical and chemical fluid properties of the Radhuma and Tayarat Formation reservoirs in the Burgan Field