
Whch is the difference in the quality of the 3D seismic data when they are acquired with 6 geophones per string instead of 12 geophones per string? The above question and others, as a consequence of the same one, had to be answered to decide the recording of the survey, we didn’t get technical information avalable neither we didn’t find previous experience about this topic. The case study here is related with a 3D seismic survey in Lago Pellegrini block, Neuquina basin, Argentina. Due that the operator need new informaton, but no seismic group in Argentina were available to carry out the survey on time, they decided to choose a geophysical operator with base in Argentina to arrange a new group, importing a recording system with 6000 channels but they couldn’t get the enough geophone strings to complete this capacity. Up to day the other 3D surveys in Argentina were recorded with 12 or 18 geophone per receiver stations and it was considered as a rule. In this presentation we are writing our previous arguing to justify the decision to carry out the survey employing 6 geophone strings per receiver stations, and then we are explaining the different tests performed during the survey to measure the differences between acquiring seismic data with 6 or 12 geophones per flag.


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