

Chemostratigraphy is a direction of science at the intersection of chemistry and stratigraphy dealing with the study of the chemical composition of sedimentary rocks. Lithochemical methods and algorithms of processing chemical datas for a long time and are successfully implemented in local geology as applied to black shale formations for a long time.

The problems of separation and correlation of fine multimineral black slates are one of the problems in the complex development of objects. Chemostratigraphic techniques, applied for the first time in the study of the bazhenov formation, worked well with the lithostratigraphic division of the section of BF in different structural-facies zones of the West Siberian OGP.

Petrochemical modules allow to divide quickly a section of the well material composition to chemotypes and further they can be used as an analog of material and structural types for creation of petrophysical models.

For a partition and correlation of sections of BG it is reasonable to use REE

Typification of a section on the chemical composition directly correlates with physical parameters, and allows for a quantitative basis to differentiate the material composition of rocks on lithochemical-based petrochemical modules.


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