

The paper presents the results of geophysical studies of the unfortified Bronze Age settlement Konoplyanka-2 (Southern Urals). The settlement is revealed by 10 depressions in the modern relief. Topographic and magnetic surveys were performed in the vicinity of the settlement in the field seasons of 2017-2019. According to the results of magnetic surveys, it was possible to identify the boundaries of buildings and reconstruct the settlement plan. There were much more dwellings than fixed on the surface of housing depressions. Inside the buildings found utility pits and wells. The constructed magnetic map became the basis for the selection of archaeological sites. At one of the dwellings with the alleged four wells, a GPR survey was performed for a targeted excavation study of geomagnetic anomalies associated with hydraulic structures. According to the GPR data, the depth of the wells was determined, their shape was restored and the position of the wells in the plan and in the 3D format was built.


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