

Interpretation of the results of engineering-geological studies on a real object of mining is a difficult task, requiring the installation levels of heterogeneity of the geological environment and their nature of the relationship with possible engineering-geological processes. Many years of experience in exploitation of excavations at objects mining facilities have shown that not only the physicomechanical properties of petrographic differences determine the stability of the workings, but also the nature of the fracture of the massif, crack filler, the existence of weakening zones (crushing, cataclase, melange). Common in practice are cases of the development of dangerous engineering and geological processes in strong, medium- and slightly fractured massifs, where the initiating factors may be the presence of a complex network of branching, relative-crossing closed cracks, crack filler with low physical and mechanical properties or a filler that loses strength properties when showdown opened up. An example of the development of engineering and geological processes, where heterogeneities of different levels are winning factors, can be considered the Central chromite deposit, in the massif of which, according to strong, medium-cracked igneous rocks of an ultrabasic composition are widely used for landslide screes processes, dumps and rollover of blocks.


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