Volume 23, Issue 5
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



The stratigraphical organization of the Pliocene thrust‐top deposits cropping out at the front of the Southern Apennine thrust‐belt has been debated for a long time taking a great importance in the context of the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean area. During this time, spreading episodes in the Apennine backarc zone alternate with important phases of overthrusting in the thrust‐belt. As a consequence, the Pliocene succession appears to be arranged in a series of stacked units, recording the poliphase tectonic history that leads to the building of the front of the southern Apennine thrust‐belt. Although there is not yet an accordance on the nature and position of the main unconformities bounding the thrust‐top units, all authors agree that the creation of new accommodation space is mainly ruled by contractional tectonics consequent to the eastward nappe propagation according to the Apennine vergence polarity. A detailed geological survey, carried out along a large portion of southern Apennine thrust‐belt front, running south of the Vulture volcano, allowed the collecting of new data concerning the basinal‐formation mechanisms acting during the sedimentation of Pliocene deposits. From this analysis, it is clear that even if contractional tectonics is the predominant factor controlling the creation or destruction of accommodation space, other mechanisms, as well as wedge uplift‐related extensional tectonics and eustasy, could have also played a significant role in the basin accommodation. In order the considered sector of southern Apennines can provide an useful example about the complex phenomena occurring at mountain belt front where the accommodation space results from a concomitance of eustatic and tectonic factors mainly linked to the accretionary wedge activity.


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