Volume 36, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



This study provides a sedimentological, stratigraphic and palaeocurrent investigation of Upper Eocene to Lower Oligocene deep‐sea fan deposits found in the central part of the Pindos foreland basin in western Greece. According to facies analysis, the examined succession at Amfilochia area has 13 sedimentary facies and 10 facies and sub‐facies associations. Depositional elements include abyssal plain pelagics, outer fan, inner fan, and slope deposits. Outer fan sediments are classified as lobe‐axis, lobe‐off‐axis, lobe‐fringe, and distant lobe‐fringe deposits, while inner fan sediments are classified as channel‐fill, crevasse‐splay, internal and external levee deposits. The stratigraphic study shows an upward shift from abyssal plain pelagics to outer, inner fan, and finally slope deposits, implying submarine fan system progradation and progressive infilling of a deep‐water sediment depocentre. The sediments were deposited in the foredeep of the Pindos foreland system and correspond to the system's underfilled stage, when sedimentation was unable to exceed the accommodation provided by lithospheric flexure. They point to deposition near the onset of the Pindos orogen, after the closure of the Pindos basin because of the collision of the Apulian with the Pelagonian microplate during the Cretaceous‐Palaeogene period. Palaeocurrent data from sole marks show bipolar directions associated with two distinct spreading sub‐marine fan deposits. As a result, the study region was split into Upper (major SE‐direction flow) and Lower (major NW‐direction flow) parts, indicating that axial flows were predominant during sediment deposition. However, as the deposition of the elements continued, the progradation of both systems constrained the space accommodation because of the increased basin sediment supply and forced an increase in the degree of basin confinement that changed the compensational to aggradational stacking pattern. The goals of this research are to develop an updated facies model for these deep‐sea fans as well as a robust correlation framework for the various stratigraphic units in the central Pindos foreland basin. This research also connects the stratigraphic development of deep‐sea fan deposits to the evolutionary phases of the Pindos foreland system, providing fresh insights into the palaeogeographic circumstances in the Pindos foreland basin.


3D model reconstruction illustrating the depositional setting of the Pindos Foreland Basin during the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): aggradation; foreland basin; Greece; Palaeogene; Pindos; progradation

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