Volume 26, Issue 3
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



This article reports a stratigraphic and structural analysis of the Neogene‐Quaternary Valdelsa Basin (Central Italy), filled with up to 1000 m of uppermost Miocene to lower Pleistocene strata. The succession is subdivided into seven unconformity‐bounded stratigraphic units (synthems, or large‐scale depositional sequences) that include fluvio‐deltaic and shallow‐marine deposits. Structures related to basin shoulders and internal boundaries controlled the Neogene location and geometry of different depocentres. During the Tortonian‐Messinian, a buried NE‐trending high related to regional, basin‐transverse lineaments separated two adjacent sub‐basins. During the lower Pliocene, compressional displacement along NW‐trending, thrust‐related highs controlled the distribution of depocentres and dispersal of sediment. Extensional tectonics, although previously considered the dominant deformation style affecting the rear of the Northern Apennines since the late Miocene, is no longer considered a dominant control on tectono‐sedimentary development of the Valdelsa basin. Instead, the Valdelsa Basin shares features with continental hinterland basins of orogenic belts where compression, extension, and transcurrent stress fields determine a complex spatial and temporal record of accommodation and sediment supply. In the Valdelsa Basin tectonics and eustatic sea‐level fluctuations were dominant in forcing the deposition of sedimentary cycles at several scales. Zanclean and Gelasian large‐scale depositional sequences were mainly controlled by crustal shortening, whereas a eustatic signal was preferentially recorded during the Piacenzian. Smaller scale depositional sequences, common to most synthems, were controlled by orbitally forced glacio‐eustatic cycles.


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(a1) line drawing of seismic line FI‐316 showing the Castelfiorentino High that controlled the development of two depocentres in the ESB in the Late Miocene. See Fig. 3 for the location of the seismic lines.UM1 and UM2, upper Miocene continental deposits; (a2) seismic line crossing the Siena‐Arbia sub‐basins (location in Fig. 6) and (a3) stratigraphic interpretation (after Antolini, 2007): TM, Tortonian‐Messinian deposits; M, Messinian deposits; P1, Zanclean deposits; P2, Piacenzian‐Gelasian deposits.

  • Article Type: Research Article

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